Chapter 453

And in the end, she is no longer the one she used to be. The current her does not give anyone a chance to look down on her. In her world, no one can interfere with her, and no one can control her life. , and pointing at life.

He is an independent individual, no one can control her!

Shangguan Yuyan knew this, and felt inexplicably uncomfortable, this little girl, how much she listened to her at that time, but now at this time, she still doesn't abide by her quota regulations and rules!
How can she know how to grow up? After all, some things can be useful without hard work and struggle alone!

In this world, I am really desperate. The person who clearly likes this person, the person I have always wanted, is right in front of me, but I can’t even say a single good word, but I can’t even hug her. Everything should be Things that are easy and easy seem to have become extravagant hopes.

That woman, the person who once pestered him and said that he must be together for the rest of his life, now no longer likes him, and his eyes no longer... stay on him...

How sad, just so uncomfortable and hopeless, but it happened that coming to play made her crushed!

Looking at this piece of heaven, he suddenly wanted to close his eyes and never wake up again. That way, maybe he would never feel uncomfortable, sad and painful, and he would not be trapped in this place after all. In desperation, I can no longer go out...

My heart sinks, and the pain in my heart cannot be suppressed after all. Now, at this moment, I can sit still. It seems that there is nothing I can do anymore...

Gently curling the corners of his lips, his heart felt more and more uncomfortable, but the smile on the corners of his mouth became bigger and bigger.

"Qiao Qiancen, we have an agreement. Is it possible, have you forgotten, I ask you to do something, you have no right to refuse, at this moment, what else do you want, things that have been agreed before, Do you still want to regret it?"

Seeing the smiling face of the man, Qiao Qiancen only felt disgusted in his heart, and wanted to turn around and leave, feeling that everything had already reached Xiaoya's time, so what's the point of all this now.

She no longer knows.

She closed her eyes, feeling sad in her heart, if she had the chance, she would not want to be like this now, but there was no way, she had really tried her best...

"Then what do you want? Shangguan Yuyan, I have tried my best to cooperate with you. Now that you still feel dissatisfied, then I seem to have nothing to listen to, because your words are not important to me at all! You don’t need to take it to heart at all, I hope you can understand later, and I hope that you can stop bothering me in the future! I really feel very annoying, really?”

Qiao Qiancen looked at the man in front of you with a smile. Even though she felt sad, she was still thinking hard. Now that there are many people around looking at them, she can't show any strangeness in the future, otherwise the news in the future will be about The matter between her and Shangguan Yuyan is not what I want to see after all!

There is no way to sink her heart, at this moment, she can still be a human being, what should Haimeng Empress do?
In addition to accepting, can you resist?
It's a little funny to think of this in my heart, it's impossible!
(End of this chapter)

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