Chapter 456

Looking at all of this now, everything seemed like a joke. Qiao Qiancen looked at the sneer of the man in front of him, and felt even colder in his heart. He didn't understand what this man's heart was made of. Such a hard-hearted man !
And in the end, she will no longer be like a child, asking why, why she treats her like this, why the two of them clearly don't know each other, but they still treat her like this, but she won't, won't do it again With such unfeeling and indifference, many things are not enough to be insisted on by oneself. Now all these are other people's affairs, and I have no way or way out to persist!
My heart sank a little. From the beginning to the end, there was nothing worth keeping in my heart, or I felt sad and hopeless!Anyway, it's already the result now, no matter what I insist on, it will be useless after all, it's better to just let it go, from now on, don't have any unrealistic fantasies again!

She grew up to this point with some sadness in her heart, but it seems that no matter what she does now, it will be useless after all, so no matter how much she insists on, it will be useless. No matter how stubborn she thinks that something is wrong, she will actually feel that it is no big deal up.

After all, I am an adult, I can support myself, and I don’t need to say anything anymore. At this time, I no longer need to insist on why I am a person, or what I feel...

She sat directly in her seat, never saying a word, not making a single movement, just sitting there like a wooden figure, without any reaction or movement.

And Shangguan Yuyan was on the opposite side, as if he didn't care at all, he looked at the food in front of him, ate it calmly, without any reaction or movement, he knew in his heart that he didn't need it at all In this way, anyway, she will not put her heart on him after all, and she doesn't need to care about anything at all, but at this moment, he still feels that it doesn't matter after all, and he doesn't need to think about anything...

Anyway, now I can keep her by my side for one day, just one day, because after all, she can't stay by my side for long, so now, I can only try to keep such a domineering and ruthless appearance, authoritarian and not let her leave. Let her have any possibility to leave, this is the best ending.

Now this is his sad, the only thing he can do, and he feels a little sad, because he has no way to go on this road after all.But after all, I have tried my best, and there are not many things I can do now, but I am trying my best to fight for a little more time for myself. It is so sad, and it makes me feel sad.After all, I still feel sad in my heart, but no, I have tried my best after all.

If you can’t get something, just let it stay in your memory, and it’s good to have a happy ending. After all, I can’t do too many things, so now.If she wants to hate herself, then she has no choice, after all, she has tried her best...

I feel a little sad and sad in my heart, but unfortunately, at this moment, I have no other way to do it, it is just a way to comfort myself, and there is no other way...

It's so sad, sometimes, he can only do this, and he can't do anything to make himself happy and comfortable. After all, he is too desperate for himself...

(End of this chapter)

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