Chapter 471

There are strange emotions in my heart. After all, it is difficult to make a choice at this time. After all, I am in a dilemma. Fu Yanshen looks at his mobile phone, hesitating in his heart.

At this time, what should be the best choice, after all, there is no other way now, many people are talking and making choices like this.There is no method or basis for reference at all.

Fu Yanshen was very embarrassed. Looking at the text message sent by Qiao Qiancen, he felt embarrassed. For some reason, he felt very hesitant in his heart. It was clear that Qiao Qiancen was sorry for himself at that time, but he had never done anything wrong.But now, after all, there is no way to choose.

Why do I clearly have decided on something, but now I am so embarrassed, I don't have any clue at all, how should I choose, it seems that no one can tell me.

There was a feeling of embarrassment in his heart, but at this moment, a voice suddenly came through, interrupting his thoughts, it sounded very anxious.

"President, don't be confused by this woman. You know, he is not a good person at all. He has always wanted to plot against you. Now at this time, it must be because of your rights that he can If you want to get close to you and bring benefits to yourself, you must not be confused by this woman! You know, she is really not a good person at all!"

Fu Yanshen turned his head to look at Ethan. He looked anxious. Looking at his disregarding appearance, he was finally anxious. What should I do? Is there anyone who can tell him and solve it? The method of this matter, now at this time, he has no way to solve it, what should he choose, in fact, he has no idea in his mind.

There was a very embarrassing feeling in my heart, especially when I saw the text message just now, Qiao Qiancen was very sad and looked very sad. At this moment, I finally felt embarrassed and didn't know how to choose.

After all, I was really, really desperate.My heart is very sad, after all, there is no way to choose.

Now that he is deep in various places, how he should choose seems to be up to him alone, but at this time, he still feels uncomfortable in his heart, and there is still no way to choose.

In my heart, it was very painful, and in my heart, I had no right or opportunity to choose at all.If I could, I would definitely not use that choice. If I could, I would use the best choice to arrange myself properly. But at this time, how to go and which direction to go seems to be a matter that needs to be considered. Long time question.

Closing his eyes, he didn't know that one day he and Qiao Qiancen would come to such a point. The two of them seemed like strangers, but at the same time they seemed like people they knew the most. Everything is getting sadder, watching all this, gradually losing any way of choosing.My heart sank, now at this moment, where should I go?Where is the path I should choose?There is no way or solution in my heart.

Throughout my life, I still can't be with the woman I like the most.

(End of this chapter)

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