Chapter 478

Sometimes, things are so unexpected that people are puzzled and gloomy, but there is no way, things have become reality after all.

Fu Yanshen looked at the words on the phone, and fell into silence for a long time, without saying a word, all the while, like a quiet wooden man, just looking at his phone like this, from the beginning to the end, without saying a word talk.

Ethan next to him was in a complicated mood. He didn't know what Fu Yanshen's opinion was now, and what kind of opinion he was holding on to this matter.But he was inexplicably worried, afraid that this matter would be the same as he thought, that he would not be able to figure it out, that he would be plunged into the boundless darkness, and he would never be able to get out...

Now Fu Yanshen's attitude made her feel uneasy. She didn't know what choice he would make, how important Qiao Qiancen's weight was in his heart, and whether it was still the same as before. If so, then would he not? It will continue to embarrass everyone like this, and make everyone immersed in difficulties and difficult to escape...

There are some gloomy thoughts in his heart, but now, how to choose, how to say, how to go, this road seems to be very difficult and embarrassing, Ethan suddenly began to worry, will it...

If he wants to change his mind, will he, he still feels very worried about Qiao Qiancen in his heart, and then he will change his mind on all the things that have been decided...

There is a faint feeling of uneasiness in his heart, but now, it seems that there is no chance to go back on his word. Ethan looked at Fu Yanshen, hoping that he could understand that it is not something he can go back on at this time?
After all, it has reached the present stage, and he wants to repent. It is completely impossible for cigarettes to turn back. If possible, no one would choose such a choice. If possible, no one would choose such a choice. The road is completely tortuous and full of difficulties, how can I choose a road that shades the sun...

In my heart, I still feel sad, and in my heart, I am still filled with sadness and gloom. I don't know why, but now I have come to such a step, but after all, there is no way to choose.

He sadly understands this in his heart. He hopes that Fu Yanshen and Ye Meng can understand that there is no turning back now. If he still wants to choose at this point, it is already impossible!
My heart sinks, I don't know why, I have come to such a step, at this time, after all, it is extremely difficult, if it is possible, no one wants such a choice, if it is possible, I have reached such a step, my heart You should be aware that such a road is not suitable after all, and a road that shades the sun is too difficult after all. If you can, you should not choose such a journey again!

He was vaguely guessing in his heart, a little miserable, but still smiled softly, he only looked at Fu Yanshen, waiting for him to make a decision,
At this time, I believe that what he is thinking in his heart should be similar to what he thinks.It's just that in the end, many things have been done with all their strength, if they still can't be done, then there is no choice after all...

I understand in my heart that at this moment, she can no longer tolerate any nonsense!

He knows better than anyone else!

(End of this chapter)

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