Chapter 483

Yes, of course she knew that the argument between them was not because of a misunderstanding, not because of different views, or different levels of thinking, but it was because of this that he felt even more sad in his heart, because he couldn't do anything. , because I understand everything in my heart, but I can only watch it all go to a position where there is no redemption...

I feel sad in my heart, I feel sad, I feel from the so-called grief, now this kind of thing, I will only feel familiar and can't be more familiar. After all, it was like this when they quarreled before, and now they quarreled again. Still because of this, how can I not understand what the culprit of all this is.

Isn't it just a misunderstanding?

Such a simple and plain word gave her so much pain that she was almost out of breath. She felt pain in her heart and didn't know how to leave.

Now here, it seems like many years ago. At that time, they misunderstood each other, and both sides were unwilling to explain, but now.How similar it was at that time, and now it has reached such a point that there is nothing to say, nothing to say, after all, some things have no chance to be tactful, he should have understood this, if it had been earlier I understand, I don’t need to work so hard now, if I understand later, I don’t need to be so sad and sad now, after all, some things may be doomed things, I can’t help myself from being unwilling, and I can’t help some things from being out of control The change of direction, after all, there is no way to do things now.

How do you want to change, how do you want to go to the place you admire, is already a very difficult, very difficult question to answer.Qiao Qiancen never knew that there was a point where they would become like this, but now, it was really too late. After all, he was forced into such a situation, and it was already impossible to go back. At this moment, What else can be changed.I don't know what else is worth changing...

A bit of the same emotion faintly flashed across my heart. I didn't want the situation like the present one, but after all, there were some things I couldn't help myself. If I could, there wouldn't be so many sad people in this world.

I clearly understand this in my heart, so sometimes, when I encounter sad things and feel depressed and sad, I can’t say a word after all. After all, I have been forced to a desperate situation. It's better to forget everything sooner...

I clearly understand this in my heart, so I don't say anything at this time. After all, things that can't be changed, so why waste my efforts?Sometimes, I just feel depressed and unhappy. Sometimes, not everything can be decided by myself. After all, at this time, what should I have and what choices should be made by myself. yes...


Qiao Qiancen's heart was a little gloomy, and he didn't know why, but he was in such a sad mood now.

Closing her eyes, she felt that she had no strength in her body. If she could do it all over again, her life would be different...

(End of this chapter)

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