Chapter 485

Closing her eyes, Qiao Qiancen didn't know how many times she had continued this movement, but this time, she was serious about it. If some things are not explained clearly, changes may be resolved in the end. Explain that everything in the future will not have a resounding result.

So it is because of this that they need to trust each other more, ignore it, forget it!

Thinking of this, Qiao Qiancen's smile widened a bit. He didn't expect that the current situation is going on, why!It is clear that they were not like this at the very beginning, but now, without knowing it...

My heart sank faintly, and I felt some pain.The knuckles of her holding the phone turned white. She didn't know how much strength she used, but after all, they are still here now, and they can still say that this place is their place, and no one is allowed to come in without permission...

After all, at this time, there is still some resistance in my heart, and I feel that it is because of her that all this has become what it is now. If it is not because of him, everything is still so beautiful and happy today. I won't let her go on fooling around like this!

"Have I misunderstood you for some people? You must be acquainted, so something happened now. That's why you are so angry... probably?"

He smiled, but the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually became bigger and bigger. He didn't know why, at this moment, this man still wanted to make such a decision.I don't know when, what kind of thoughts, why, others should treat them like this.Why, all of this will have such an ending as the ending, but it is clear.It's not like that between them.

"I know that nothing is wrong. I know that I just did what I think I should do. I know that I have never done what you said you should never do. But why do you think so now? Why? , at this moment, you still don’t want to let go, you don’t want to let it all go by like this, now it’s this moment, we don’t have any choice, why do you still want to choose like this? It can’t be done , Is all of this really so important? Could it be that there is no longer any words to talk between you! I don’t understand, I really don’t understand..."

Qiao Qiancen roared at the phone with a smile, but now.The man still didn't understand, still didn't understand, felt strange.All the views between them, all the things that happened in the country, can't go away after all. She thinks that from his point of view, everything must be the same as him, and if he doesn't notice it at all, what he thinks must be right?

All of this now is Fu Yanshen's sick thoughts, Qiao Qiancen has already understood clearly, completely...

If he could, there was no need for him to make such a choice, but in the end, there was no way that some things were completely out of control, so where should he go!Where is the right path? Now it is very difficult, and no one has a stock.A good excuse to explain...

And Qiao Qiancen didn't quite understand that some things, if he was stubborn once, it would be enough for the future.There will never be a third time, after all, that's what you said...

(End of this chapter)

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