Chapter 499

He doesn't know where he should go now, and he has completely fallen out with Fu Yanshen. From now on, she will never step into that place again. After all, that place no longer belongs to him, and the owner of that place will never be with him again. She has nothing to do with it, why did she go to that place...

My heart sinks, sometimes, I really can't help myself, everything I have worked so hard to get, in the eyes of this man, it seems that it is not worth putting in my heart at all, as if everything is so insignificant. ...

What should be done?What else can I do?After all, at this moment, it is very difficult and painful to go where you want to go, and it is also very difficult to find where you are now. You should stay in this place and find a place that suits your quota again.

For that man Fu Yanshen, I have been lost for a long time, and now I have finally found my way, but I must not get lost again.

As he was walking, suddenly a lot of cars drove up in front of him. Qiao Qiancen immediately recognized that it was Fu Yanshen's person. After all, the posture, as well as the model and license plate of the cars were all issued under Fu's banner. She will never admit it wrong...

It's just that it's midnight now.What is this man doing here with his own money?My heart is full of doubts, but now, I don't know what to choose, and some strange and doubtful thoughts pop up in my heart. After thinking about it, I decided to hide.

After all, your father's time is very special now, how could it be possible that her people didn't come before, but suddenly came here today, it must be for some conspiracy!
I vaguely guessed in my heart that some tricks had gradually formed in my heart. After all, at this time, what I was thinking was already helpless. The only thing I could do was to try my best to hide, and then Don't let Fu Yanshen go back first,
That man himself has completely let her down. From now on, he doesn't want to be with that man at all. After being in pain and suffering, what else can he do? He doesn't want to try it again.

There are some thoughts like this in my heart, but at this moment, there is nothing I can do. What else can I do, what kind of feelings can I have, but I am too tired, and I am just deceiving myself.After all, there is no other way...

Touch the child in your stomach, after all, she has given you the determination to make the child bigger and keep him down, but it will not work after all, and the mother will definitely suffer, so it is better to just Forget it, from now on there will be no chance for so many things.

Do your best to do something, it is better to try your best to make yourself happy, nothing is more important than mental health, isn't it?

Anyway, following that man, left and right are painful and tiring, it's better to be a general practitioner, forget about him, and find someone who loves her again.If you love her, everything will be better...

Qiao Qiancen closed her eyes, feeling confused and feeling even more uncomfortable. What else can she do now?No one knows and understands anymore.

Forget all of this, maybe it will be better, maybe it will be a happy life from now on...

(End of this chapter)

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