Chapter 504

Sister Jesse listened to Qiao Qiancen's words, full of pity, but in the end there was nothing she could do, she could only hug Qiao Qiancen silently, giving her some sense of comfort and protection.

"It's okay, we all love you. From now on, you are still our little baby, and we will always take care of you."

Jesse couldn't bear to see Qiao Qiancen in such pain as she is now, so she could only say some comforting words, trying to make her feel better, don't be restrained by such a painful meeting, there is no way out.

After all, she had tried it before, and it was really uncomfortable and painful. She had no choice but to satisfy herself as much as possible!What a pain in my heart, after all, I have reached the point where I am now, how can I choose, it seems to be the wrong choice...

Qiao Qiancen doesn't care what others think of this matter now, anyway, it's his own business, he can do whatever he wants, it's his own choice.

Anyway, there is no choice anymore, what others think is their business, but now I am really tired...

She has no strength at all, let alone worrying about something, maybe, forgetting, is what she should do the most.
Things to do.

The rest has nothing to do with her at all!
When Fu Yanshen woke up, the sky was already pale. Looking at the coldness around him, he only felt a little headache.

It must have been emotional yesterday that made the condition worse...

This idea popped up in his mind, and for a moment, as if he had thought of something, he was a little stunned.


Gu Rao, his pupils shrank sharply, and a bad premonition surged up, covering him like a blanket...

Qiao Qiancen!
"Ethan! Ethan!"

The man yelled anxiously, as if something big had happened. Hearing this, the man who had been dozing off by Zainian woke up immediately with shock and worry in his eyes.

He rushed in hurriedly, and at this moment, his heart was filled with faint worries. He knew that Fu Yanshen would definitely ask a question today, but in the end, he had to answer it. After all, the truth is like that...

I was a little apprehensive in my heart, but when I opened the door and went in, there was nothing like the crisis I imagined, but the man had an ugly face, as if something had happened...

"Boss Fu, what's the matter?!"

"Qiao is the matter over there?!"

Fu Yan looked at Ethan deeply, narrowing his eyes slightly, with a very urgent look, but upon hearing that Ethan's original stern face turned pale in an instant.

After all, the thing that should come is still coming. It cannot be avoided, and it is even more impossible to avoid it...

I feel helpless in my heart, but at this moment, there is no room for redemption.

"Boss Fu, this matter may be a bit tricky, can you give us a little..."

"What happened?!"

Fu Yanshen's voice turned cold in an instant. He rarely loses his composure like this. Ethan has been with him as an assistant for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen him collapse like this.

At this moment, Ethan couldn't say anything more after all. After all, at this moment, there is no other way or meaning except to tell the truth...

"When we arrived at the scene, Qiao Qiancen had already disappeared. We didn't even know where she had gone..."

(End of this chapter)

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