Chapter 524

Until the end, Fu Yanshen was completely drunk. A woman couldn't bear her heart after all, and couldn't restrain herself at all, so she pushed open the door of the office and went in.

Although she made a mistake and was transferred to another position, it didn't matter, she still wouldn't blame him in her heart, let alone get angry, because all of this... was the fault of that woman, Qiao Qiancen!
If it weren't for her, the situation wouldn't be like this now. It's because of her that everything has developed into the current embarrassing situation. It's because of her making trouble, and making troubles, everything will change now. Became this complicated situation!
My heart sinks, some things, after all, I can't forget them, like a fishbone stuck in my heart, I can't go up or down, but the feeling of heartache is so obvious, I can't forget it, let me I forgot everything by myself, and it was useless...

Yu Tiantian was unwilling to be reconciled after all. After all, at this moment, who can say that he really has no selfishness at all. Everyone has a small calculation in their hearts and calculates everything.

After all, in her heart, Fu Yanshen is the most important thing. At this moment, everything is when her opportunity comes.

No one can stop her. Those things that belong to her and those who only belong to him will always belong to her only, including Fu Yanshen of course!

At this moment, Yu Tiantian understood everything in her heart, and no one could change her mind.

After all, I have loved someone for so many years. If I say let it go, how can I let it go? After all, at this moment, everyone cares about these things the most. Everyone has a balance in their hearts, and no one can change it. He, let her change...

The really important things will never change, and she understands in her heart, so she wants to get what she wants even more. Those who are not familiar with them can think as high as they want. Feel free to go.That's it...

There is no need to take into account other people's thoughts and feelings. At this time, it is no longer the time for anyone to make decisions. If you think it is okay, then everything is really the most worthwhile thing.

I am very clear about this matter in my heart.Yu Tiantian walked in directly, and saw the drunken man on the sofa. For a moment, her expression changed for a moment, but soon, she returned to normal.

Now at this time, stabilizing your mentality is the ultimate thing. What others think and think is their business. No matter what others think or think, it has nothing to do with you.

Yu Tiantian smiled slightly, now this is, she has really figured out everything, what she wants will eventually belong to her, as long as she is willing to work hard, as long as everything is still in time, it doesn't matter now...

I feel very happy. Many times, how can I change my mind because of things.It's just that there are some things that I don't want to admit. At this moment, everything can still be redeemed, and I can still change my mind. It's just that there is still a chance for everything.

As long as I can, I will do my best to get what I want.

(End of this chapter)

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