Chapter 535

Fu Yanshen's eyes were dazed, and he couldn't see what was happening in front of him, but he was able to, but vaguely, he seemed to see a woman's figure getting closer and closer. At this moment, his heart suddenly stopped. He tensed a little, thinking of what this woman said just now, for a moment, the whole person was stunned!
Although the consciousness is a little unclear now, but after all, I can feel something, and now I can vaguely guess that that woman may be about to smash the pot!

After all, Fu Yanshen was the male god in many people's minds when he was studying, and he was also pursued by women of all ages. Naturally, he knew what happened, even if he didn't see it clearly, he could roughly guess it!
He wanted to get up immediately, but at this moment, a woman stopped him directly, "Brother Yan Shen, don't give me a chance! Just let me get close to you! For you, I really don't even care about face." Don't care! At this moment, can't you give me some comfort? I'm really tired, I really can't hold on anymore, I love you! I have loved you for so many years, why, you just don't have a chance Give it to me, must you watch me break down, see me unbearable, crazy and obsessed, so that you can rest assured and feel relaxed and satisfied? I really, can't understand you at all!"

Yu Tiantian confides in pain, but in the end, Fu Yanshen still can't understand his pain and helplessness. At this moment, after all, there is nothing he can do. He is eager to push Yu Tiantian away, and he is too drunk to be rational, so he just uses force With a push, Yu Tiantian was pushed away. In an instant, Yu Tiantian fell backwards, and Fu Yanshen was tired after all, and fell directly on the sofa and fell asleep.

Yu Tiantian was almost knocked down, and after she fell to the ground, she began to cry, her heart full of pain and sorrow.

Is it because she is the one who is not loved, so she cannot be forgiven for what she has done, and should be blamed and punished?

Yu Tiantian was very sad, but Fu Yanshen pushed him away directly, and he was very sad. If he was Qiao Qiancen, would he still do this now?
Would he still push himself away in such a heartless and indifferent manner, without any regard for sympathy?
She thought, probably not, and only this man treats herself so cruelly, because she is not the one he loves, so he treats her so heartlessly!

Yu Tiantian realized this fact clearly, and felt more and more sad in his heart. Why, everything has developed to this moment, what is the reason for this scene now?

Is it no longer possible between them?Is there no more chance?I really want to ask Fu Yanshen in my heart, but in fact, the real answer is already in front of me, isn't it?

Now at this time, what else is there to worry about? You can clearly understand what is in your heart!

Is my heart sinking, I want to be relieved easily, I want to stop being so sad in my heart, but there is no way, there is no way at all!
Now at this time, what else can we do?What else should I do?
After all, there is no way out anymore!
(End of this chapter)

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