Chapter 540

Auntie Clean was a little frightened in her heart, and she was extremely shocked. She walked a few steps closer, but she couldn't say a word anymore.

Unexpectedly, Fu Yanshen and Yu Tiantian...

After all, I was terrified and ran away. After a while, a departmental landlord management came in. Seeing such a scene, I was so frightened that my soul flew away.

He quickly turned around and almost stumbled away, never expecting that the president who usually looks gentle and elegant is actually in the office with a famous lady like Yu Tiantian behind his back!

after all.He still couldn't hand in the documents again, for fear that Fu Yanshen would find out, and he would see him with other women...

I would blame myself, but I was terrified in my heart after all, I turned around and ran away as if to leave.

No one knew how flustered she was at this moment, as if she had discovered some shocking secret, she was terribly frightened.

When he walked to the door, the director of another department also came up, ready to report on the work. Seeing the panicked appearance of the supervisor of that department, he couldn't help but look at him strangely, wondering why this person was so flustered?
Could it be that you are so bold as to steal something from the president's office?

The director smiled a little funny, walked in and was about to question Fu Yanshen, who knew that when he saw the two people on the ground, he couldn't say a word after all.

How could it be...

Yu Tiantian and Fu Yanshen!How could the two of them...

After all, like the last person who came in, he stumbled away in fright, unexpectedly bumping into the CEO, he would be a fool not to leave quickly!
When the time comes to be arrested and questioned, everything will be a big problem!I have no way to say anything, I can only escape as soon as possible.

Ever since, the news that was originally kept secret became known to more and more people, and gradually, it even spread throughout the entire company!

There was a loud noise, and Fu Yanshen was very dissatisfied.

What happened? In a blink of an eye, this matter spread throughout the company. What should we do at this time?There is no longer a decision in my heart.

When my heart sank, I lost the thoughts in my heart after all. I don't know how to choose. Now there is no room for any choice.

Thinking of what has become like this in his heart, he just feels dizzy and headache. What is the reason for all this to become like this.

Now Qiao Qiancen has not been found, but has caused a big trouble, like a fly, has been flying around him, leaving him nowhere to go, sinking in it, sad and helpless.

My heart is very confused. If this matter spreads, what should I do? If Qiao Qiancen finds out about this matter, what should I do now.

My heart is very troubled, there is no way out to choose, if possible, I would rather not encounter these things.

Now when I think about what happened at that time, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart. I don’t understand why everything will become like this!

I was very angry in my heart, thinking of Yu Tiantian sleeping in my arms when I woke up that morning, I was disgusted and shocked, but there was no way, this was an unchangeable fact...

The strangest thing is that he clearly blocked the news, but it will still be leaked in the end!
(End of this chapter)

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