Chapter 543

Now under Fu Yanshen's nose, no one dared to say a single word, not even someone who explained, the audience was completely silent.

Just kidding, it's this time now, if you speak out, you are telling others that you have participated in what you said just now.

Now, of course, I don't have time to say a word, I can only suppress all my emotions silently in my heart, and I don't say a word anymore.

It is very clear in my heart that after all, some things can no longer be restrained, if possible, no one would want such an ending, if possible, no one would want things to become what they are now.

After all, they no longer had any path to choose. If they could, at some point now they really wanted to find a hole to move in, and never come out to meet people again.

Looking at their expressions, Fu Yanshen can naturally guess it, after all, at this moment, nothing can be changed.

They all said bad things about him just now, and they said it very vigorously. They are guilty after all. Now if Fu Yanshen pursues it and blames them, they naturally shouldn't have a one-sentence explanation, but there is no way , now none of them want to lose their jobs, so they can only keep silent and pretend that they don't know anything.

After all, the law does not blame the public!isn't it?
Several employees were thinking about luck in their hearts, not knowing what to face next, but silently suppressing the emotions in their hearts, for fear of being discovered by Fu Yanshen...

It is too late now, what should be done, what else can be done, there is no answer to the question.

Fu Yanshen looked at the person in front of him, and suddenly, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up coldly. He didn't expect that the situation was like this. After all, it was not so convenient for him to struggle to escape.

But now at this time, what should be done, what is the most suitable way, he already has a direction and an idea in his heart.

It's just that sometimes, it needs to be carefully planned. Although it is something I have done, I can't tolerate others, especially those under my command, to gossip here.

This is my own business, no one can discuss it, let alone their gossip!

My heart sank, a little gloomy and dissatisfied, and in the end, what I want to do, what I should do, is no longer possible to choose...

Now that this time has been stolen, some people should be punished, so he will not be merciful easily...

He clearly understands in his heart that some things are impossible to come back after all, what should be done, what should be done, and it is impossible to shake his thoughts in his heart.

"Do you like to tell stories? Well, starting today, everyone will submit a [-]-word self-criticism every day, and tell me in it how wonderful the stories they heard are. "

After one sentence fell, if everyone took a deep breath, they didn't expect that Mr. Fu would punish someone so severely!

I can't believe it in my heart, and after all, it is impossible to be calm now, to prove that I have no fault at all!
(End of this chapter)

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