Chapter 545

Fu Yanshen looked at the men who were about to speak, but finally endured and went back, feeling a little amused in his heart, after all, he didn't say anything more.

He just tilted his head slightly, looked at Ethan behind him, and ordered in a cold voice, "Count the number of people clearly, and register their positions and names. There must be no mistakes. All those who make irresponsible remarks here, today , can’t let it go? Remember. You must definitely come over [-] words on time, starting today, and tomorrow morning, I will see your documents in the mailbox!"

Fu Yanshen's words were not only meant for Ethan, but also for other employees. After all, several employees Haishi didn't say anything, and could only suppress the uncomfortable emotions in their hearts.

Now at this time, what should we do?What else can be done, Fu Yanshen has already made things so decisive, what should be done, they naturally have a definite idea in their minds, what should be done, what should not be done, and they have already understood in their hearts, in the future this kind of thing , I'd better be less involved!
After all, I can't accept this matter in my heart, so no matter how much I am full of attendance awards in my heart, no matter how satisfied I am to accept it, there is nothing I can do!
Now, some things should be let go, and you should learn not to care about them. You must understand clearly in your heart, and from now on, never care about them again!
I said to myself in my heart, and after all, there is no way to be sure about some things. At this time, it is the best to forget, and it should be the best to forget about it!

The few employees couldn't say anything after all, and after silently registering everyone, they went back to their posts one by one.

My heart is about to collapse, now not only these jobs, but also many other things waiting for me to do, but there is no way, after all, it has reached this point, how they should choose is also a very particular thing!
It is very clear in my heart, so now, after all, it is too late!I completely lost my direction and the way forward!
Ethan finished registering all the lists, and was just about to tidy up the office, but unexpectedly, Fu Yanshen
He has been here and never left.

After all, I was extremely shocked in my heart, but I didn't have anything to say, I could only sigh, and I went forward, "Mr. Fu, why haven't you left yet?"

Hearing this deeply, Fu Yan only dusted off the cigarette ash in his hand. "Do you think my punishment method is a bit serious?"

Ant-Man froze when he heard Fu Yanshen's words. He never thought that Fu Yanshen could see through his thoughts at once. After all, he felt shocked in his heart, and it was difficult to accept and react.

After hesitating for a while, he could only nod his head after all, and couldn't say a word anymore!Now at this time, what others say is useless after all!
"Mr. Fu, actually, I think you can punish them for other things. You are asking them to write [-] words a day. Naturally, they can't accept it. It's like me. After working all day, of course I don't want to Work harder."

Ethan's tone sounded like he was feeling sorry for those people. Fu Yan listened deeply, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, feeling a little helpless and sad.

(End of this chapter)

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