Chapter 554

Lin Cheng heard Fu Yanshen's voice on the other end of the phone, and he was terrified. He didn't know what happened, why Fu Yanshen's voice was so angry,
Could it be that the people under him made him angry, or did he not do a good job recently?
I feel very uneasy,
But now Fu Yanshen can understand what Fu Yanshen means, that is to say, he is already at the scene of the event, and.Just at the door, waiting for Xingshi to question him!
My heart sank, I was a little embarrassed, and I didn't know what to do, but now, there was nothing I could do.after all.I don't want this either, but now, it's too late to say anything.

Instead of complaining, rather than feeling this bad or that bad, it's better to face everything like this, it's better not to worry about anything, now, the most important thing is to get through this interrogation well.

My heart sinks, some things are hard to say after all, but I have no choice but to suppress all emotions silently in my heart.

What should be done now, what should be done is the most correct?
After all, I don't have an answer in my heart, but now, I should face everything well and do everything well, so as not to let President Fu Yanshen blame himself.

I was a little worried and comforted myself thinking that after all, there are some things that I can't really think about any more.

When he arrived at the door, he found that Fu Yanshen was really standing there. For a moment, he was stunned.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen. After all, I felt very uneasy in my heart, but now, there is no chance...

I feel a little regretful in my heart, but I have no choice. Since it has happened, I can't do anything, so of course I can only bite the bullet and step forward.Some things are not good at all...

It's like now, like everything will happen eventually, and now, something that he didn't even dare to think about has happened.

I never thought that one day, I would be found a job by my own CEO. I was so shocked in my heart, and I wanted to tremble with fear.

After all, President Fu Yanshen came here personally, needless to say, it must be a serious matter.Now that the standing has happened, of course I can't say anything, I can only swallow all the emotions in my heart silently.

I feel a little tired in my heart. After all, there is no way to say anything anymore. Now, this time has come. Now, I am tired after all, and there is no solution.

After all, he has reached a relatively bottleneck time, and now he should think about it in his heart, whether he has done anything wrong recently, or something more important...

Lin Cheng was very disturbed, he was thinking wildly all the time, but at this time, Fu Yanshen finally turned around.

Lin Cheng's heart tightened, and he always felt that something bad was going to happen...

It's just that, after all, I didn't expect that I would start questioning directly now...

I was shocked in my heart, there was nothing I could do, after all, there was really nothing I could do, after all, my whole heart was trembling now.

I am terrified in my heart, but there is no way, it has come to this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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