Chapter 694

Qiao Qiancen decided in his heart that what he did just now was just acting. Now that the acting is over, he naturally wanted to leave directly, but he didn't expect this time...

"My dear girlfriend, where are you going?"

A word, spoken like a hooligan, light and unscrupulous, such a sentence seemed to completely annoy Qiao Qiancen, she immediately became anxious, and couldn't help but look at the man angrily, turned around, and directly stare at him.

"Please make it clear that when I was inside just now, I said that on purpose. Now there is no need to act for others to see. There is no relationship between the two of us at all, understand?!"

She was a little angry. She absolutely didn't want to get involved with him unless she had to. Originally, she was a public figure, and he was also a big shot in the shopping mall. Now that such news and news came out, it naturally spread very quickly. Can't help them react and feel shocked!
Qiao Qiancen's heart is full of troubles and sorrows, and he really doesn't know what to do, and things have turned into the current situation...

Her head was getting bigger, and she didn't know what to do, but now, there was not much they could do, they could only try their best to suppress this matter.

And how did she know that Shangguan Yuyan, a man who was not easy at all, just wanted to cause her another trouble, so she naturally couldn't accept it in her heart!
Now I only feel anger and sadness in my heart, and I don't know what to do is the best...

After saying that sentence angrily, the voice fell, but it was directly exchanged for a man's laughter, as if he had heard something extremely funny. For a moment, Qiao Qiancen felt even more inexplicable and angry.Why on earth did this man make himself angry so easily?
What on earth is this man thinking? He said that it is easy to take advantage of him by saying that watching the excitement is not a problem!
Thinking angrily in her heart, she clenched her fists tightly, trying to suppress the anger in her heart, looked at the man and asked, "What are you laughing at? At this juncture, you'd better take care of yourself! Anyway, my business is not at all Don't worry about it!"

She only felt that she wanted to draw a clear line between the two of them. The rest of the matter had nothing to do with her, but she didn't expect that the man laughed even louder when her voice fell...

"Qiao Qiancen, I said that you are naive, and I really underestimated you, you know? Now that this matter has been said, it will definitely become more and more troublesome in a short time. Do you think you can let it go at this time?" Thinking about yourself?"

Shangguan Yuyan's voice seemed to be seeing a fool, so funny, so easy and mocking.

Hearing this, Qiao Qiancen pursed her lips slightly, feeling angry and unacceptable in her heart, "Shangguan Yuyan, what exactly do you want, now that I have told you clearly, why do you still want to provoke me?"

He clearly knows that she doesn't like him at all, why he still refuses to listen to his words, letting her go is tantamount to letting himself go, if this continues, there will never be a good ending.

Even if you don't understand it in your heart, you can't make this matter unclear, right?

This is about feelings, not a child's play house!I just feel angry.

(End of this chapter)

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