Chapter 698

At this moment, the shareholder heard Shangguan Yuyan's words, and felt very angry in his heart, but after all, it was not good to say something, after all, what Shangguan Yuyan said was not wrong, he was the major shareholder of this company!
Many things should have to be done according to his face!I only feel angry and sad in my heart, but after all, I have no way and ability. Between them, there is no choice and nothing to do.

In the current situation, all of them are angry with Shangguan Yuyan, but dare not speak out, and he finally came to attack and question Shangguan Yuyan by relying on his older age, but he did not expect to turn it around Be told?At this moment, his heart was full of anger, but he couldn't say anything else!
The current situation is like this, Shangguan Yuyan is not wrong, this is his company, her own business, what he wants, no one has the right to say anything...

There is a heavy feeling in my heart, I just feel depressed, why can't the current situation be relieved?
He always felt uncomfortable in his heart, he hesitated at last, decided to change his tone, and continued, "I'm not saying that your way of doing this is very bad, but if you want to be smooth, the impact will be too great, because you The second time is to directly confront her all-time opponent, the Jin family. Now many people are afraid that they will hesitate. Standing on that side means that they want to support that side. This is too risky. Maybe they originally wanted to support Because our people are afraid of Jin's power, it is difficult to act rashly, so everyone will feel worried and uncomfortable..."

The old shareholder slowed down his tone, and tried to make his tone sound calmer. At this moment, there was silence and difficulty in his heart.

He chuckled, but didn't say a word, and hung up the phone directly. At this moment, Zhang Yan did not deliberately make the situation like this. He also had a lot of embarrassments and compulsions. I did so out of desperation.

It's like they're begging for mercy, please let him ignore these things.He also has no choice, there is no chance to listen to their words. After all, the words that have been spoken are like water that has been poured out. How can it be recovered?

Now at this time, I still accept this fact, and don't think about anything in the future!After all, many things are not what you want!

This is the case with many things in the world. Whether you believe it or not, you can't help but feel dissatisfied.

All of this is a doomed ending, and it is also a fact that will not change anymore. Accepting it or not accepting it will not have a big impact on him.

He just wants to get everything he wants for the rest of his life, and he won't regret it in the future.

Shangguan Yuyan leaned against the wall of the alley, closed his eyes and smoked, the repeated pain in his heart finally hit his heart again.

She has no way to relieve it, she can only hypnotize herself, in a few years, in a few years, it will be fine, in a few years, she will be free...

Probably, only two years of life left?
He did that wrong thing and pushed everything to the extreme, and in the end, he will be punished too!
(End of this chapter)

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