Chapter 704

"Qiao Qiancen, what do you mean by saying this? I understand it very clearly in the letter. But now, I just want to see an elder who is very close to me. I just want to pick her up and leave the hospital. I don't need to pay too much attention to it. my existence."

Fu Yanshen looked into Qiao Qiancen's eyes, and what he said was innocent, as if it was none of his business to wash things away, so it didn't matter. In the end, Qiao Qiancen was choked by his excuse and couldn't say a word from the beginning to the end. .

After all, I didn't know what to say in my heart. I was silent for a while, and I didn't know what to do. I swallowed all the emotions in my heart in silence. What should I write like it is now?Why they can't get along well and don't make trouble anymore has become a huge problem. But now, no one seems to solve the problem. Faced with all this, they all think that if they can escape, there is no one. want a real solution,
It may be a little sad to take this feeling between them, they clearly want each other to be better and better, but in the end, it is too difficult...


Qiao Qiancen looked at Fu Yanshen angrily, feeling like he wanted to refute, but was really speechless by what he said. Probably, this is the deepest feeling of sadness!
If possible, she would definitely want to push this cat person out directly, but now is not the time after all, and the occasion is also suitable, so what can I do if the imprint feels angry?

Her heart sank, she clenched her fists and thought for a while, as if she was about to say something, but at this moment a voice interrupted her thoughts...

"Qian Cen, Yan Shen, why don't you two come in?"

For a moment, both of them were a little stunned, they looked at each other, they didn't speak in silence, they just suppressed the emotions in their hearts, and didn't say anything more.

But after all, there is no other way now, whether you believe it in your heart or not, you just have to accept it in your heart.

"Auntie, long time no see."

Fu Yanshen took one last look at Qiao Qiancen, his eyes were meaningful, and he went directly past her and entered the ward.

"Why are you here? Yan Shen, will you be very busy with work during this time, and I have to ask you to come here in person, it's really hard for you."

Li Yiyuan didn't mention anything about the relationship between the two of them, as if he didn't know anything, and nothing happened, and his tone was very normal.

And Qiao Qiancen and Fu Yanshen were also very displeased in their hearts, Li Yiyuan's heart was actually like Kuai Mingjing, everything was very clear, but he just didn't want to accept and admit it.

"Mom, I'll just go back with you alone. I don't need help from outsiders." Qiao Qiancen came over and said very heartlessly and mercilessly. He had completely regarded Fu Yanshen as an outsider, so cold and indifferent. There is no sympathy left!

At this moment, after all, Fu Yanshen had many thoughts in his mind. After all, he couldn't clearly say what things, he could only suppress many things in his heart. Looking at Qiao Qiancen, he always felt guilty and unwilling .

But what can the monkey do after all?Some things are certain and cannot be changed. Why do you still have illusions and think that there is still a chance?
I used to know in my heart that everything still has a chance, isn't it already clear now?

no more...

(End of this chapter)

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