Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 708 Bought a new house

Chapter 708 Bought a new house
Fu Yanshen, who was driving the car at this moment, also felt uncomfortable. There was no other reason, but he was thinking about when he and Qiao Qiancen would have the opportunity to meet again after this incident.

He was able to let the people in the hospital monitor everything for him before. Once Qiao Qiancen came to the hospital, or if her mother had something to do, he would notify him. Now that her mother can be discharged from the hospital, how should he find her in the future? A chance to know everything about her?
Could it be that you really just let it go?

Feeling a lot of loneliness and sadness in his heart, he was silent, after all, he didn't say a word, and the hand holding the steering wheel gradually tightened a bit.

Why is it like this now?Why can't everything have a happy ending? Could it be that this is really the best ending between them?

There are many sad questions in my heart, and in the end, they can no longer say anything, and now this situation can no longer allow them to have any unrealistic ideas between them, there shouldn't be, and there should never be any , shouldn't think about it, and never think about it again, maybe this is the best way for them to get along.

As long as you don't want to, you won't be sad, as long as you never feel sad, you will never think...

Fu Yanshen had to drive for 45 minutes to get there after half an hour's drive. Now, facing all these sad facts, he couldn't say a word after all.

This is probably the final ending and the final doomed fact between them. Looking at this somewhat old residential building, he felt a little powerless in his heart.

He calmed down, stopped the car on the side of the road, turned his head and smiled and said to the two people behind him, "Here we are."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Qiancen didn't look at him at all, and directly helped his mother to get out of the car.

Fu Yanshen looked at them through the rearview mirror, and unbuckled his seat belt, ready to get out of the car to help carry things upstairs. After all, this building doesn't look like it has an elevator...

And who knows, Qiao Qiancen seemed to know his thoughts and what he planned to do next, and while helping his mother get out of the car, he said, "Now it's here, Mr. Fu doesn't have to work anymore."

After saying a word, Fu Yanshen, who was about to get out of the car and open the car door, was stunned. He rested his big hand on the door handle. After all, he didn't say another word, let alone move. Now that Qiao Qiancen's words have reached such a point, What reason do you have to continue to say something?
It's so ridiculous, like a fool facing the world. He already knows everything in his heart, but he still has to pretend that he doesn't care and doesn't know anything. Then he continues to face the world and let others laugh and insult him.

But in fact, his heart is as clear as a mirror, so how could he be unclear?Now this situation, I can't be more clear in my heart!

After being silent for a while, he lowered his eyes and only said, "If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me."

Qiao Qiancen had already closed the car door, and he didn't know if he had listened to his words...

Qiao Qiancen took the things and went upstairs without looking back to say goodbye.

Fu Yanshen knew that she just didn't want him to know which household she lived in...

(End of this chapter)

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