Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 71 The One Who Should Say Sorry Is Me

Chapter 71 The One Who Should Say Sorry Is Me

Her voice trembled slightly.

The hand hanging by her side was helplessly grabbing the hem of the skirt, as if there was no way out, and now she was trapped in a desperate situation, unable to get out, and unable to see the way forward...

Fu Yanshen just turned his back to her, listening to her voice, at this moment, his whole heart seemed to be overturned by the flood, so shocking, so unbelievable...

It almost made him think that this was a fantasy.

Back then, she betrayed him because of her mother's medical expenses!Not because of what she said later, that man is the one she likes...

But back then, he never knew about it!

They only sent someone to investigate, and her mother was Qiao Huacheng's original wife, so when she heard that her mother was seriously ill and was admitted to the hospital, she subconsciously thought that Qiao Huacheng would pay for her mother, but she didn't expect that this matter would eventually come to an end. It fell on Qiao Qiancen, and it became the last straw that overwhelmed her!
But when they broke up, she only said that the reason why she helped that man and revealed the company's crucial secrets to him was because she had fallen in love with him, so she chose to sacrifice him and the entire Fu family...

Fu Yanshen believed it was true, and he believed it every day until today.

I just felt that she had empathized with another man at that time, and chose to betray him for other men, this was the most unbearable thing he could accept...

And it wasn't until today that I found out that the truth turned out to be the case!And from the beginning to the end, she did something stupid because of the medical expenses, and he always misunderstood and blamed her!
Turning his head, he looked at her in shock, and couldn't believe it in his heart...

"Why? Qiancen... Why did you do this all the time? Why did you let me misunderstand you? After so long, I always thought..."

He looked at her, but couldn't say a word in the end.

All along, he thought that she was the one who was wrong, but now he realized that the one who really did the wrong thing and caused them to fall into pain was himself!
His heart was extremely dull, but when he looked at her, he felt extremely distressed after all...

This silly girl took all the accusations, charges, and pains by herself, and he didn't know it from the beginning to the end!He only believed that she had done something wrong, and ignored him and everyone else for her own selfish desires.

Little did he know that he was the one who hurt her the most!
The heart is full of pain and sorrow.

What's more, it should be that he didn't understand. He still couldn't figure out what the reason for her breakup was. At that time, she said that she thought he didn't have the right to inherit the Fu family, but he was just an ordinary person. , They all lived in an ordinary and happy way, and he also remembered that she said that she liked such a down-to-earth and simple life even more.

At that time, she also said that she fell in love with someone else, but it was clear that every time she looked at him, her eyes were filled with light and a smile, which was the expression of seeing someone she liked from the bottom of her heart. lie……

But at that time, he ignored all of these, his whole heart was aroused by her "betrayal", but he forgot to notice that the reasons for the breakup she mentioned were actually full of doubts and full of mistakes and omissions!
Qiao Qiancen just shook his head in pain, murmuring "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Seeing this, at this moment, Fu Yanshen felt only pity in his heart. He held her face lightly, lowered his head, and looked at her with pity in his eyes...

"Fool, all along, the one who should say sorry is me."

In his eyes, there seemed to be bits and pieces of affection revealed...

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(End of this chapter)

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