Chapter 711

This sentence seems to be said to himself, and it seems to be said to others. No matter how others think about this matter, no matter how others persuade him, no matter how magnanimous he is asked, no matter how much he forgives, he will never listen , After all, this is what I said, and I want to pretend that it doesn't exist or it doesn't matter, how is it possible?
"Since this is the case, Qiancen, let's give up."

Li Yiyuan sighed helplessly, he didn't expect that there are so many secrets hidden in the things he didn't know, and he didn't know all along...

Now that everyone already has a new love, or a direct fiancée, why do I need to post it again, it seems too stupid...

After falling silent in his heart, Qiao Qiancen nodded, "I know, from now on, I will never have anything to do with his affairs again. I already understand some things clearly, so there is no need to think about them anymore.

In her heart, she was very clear and understood what should not have happened, so it was better to let him pass like this. After all, there is nothing wrong with the sentence that the twisted melon is not sweet, as long as she understands it in her heart.

"Mom, it doesn't matter to me. I will let go of this relationship slowly. From now on, I will focus on my career~"

When Qiao Qiancen said this, it was as if he had seen some dawn, and his eyes were filled with hope and tenderness.

Hearing this, Li Yiyuan was finally comforted, after all, Qiao Qiancen was able to see it for himself now, which was a blessing that he would not be able to rest for many years!Even if you don't understand clearly, you can only accept it after all...

After all, this is the reality. They only have to accept the reality and work hard, and they will get what they want...

The gloomy mood was so clear, she didn't say another word, she took Qiao Qiancen's hand and went out, "Okay, are you hungry at this late hour? Mom has already cooked the meal, come out and eat!"

Qiao Qiancen was overjoyed when she heard that her mother had cooked the food, and she smiled, "That's great, Mom! Do you know that during this period of time, I order takeaway by myself, and no one cooks for me. It's terrible!"

Hearing this, Li Yiyuan couldn't help laughing, "You kid, you haven't been good at cooking since you were a child, but when you grow up, you still only know how to cook instant noodles? Sigh, instant noodles can be soaked directly. Use your heart to cook it!"

"Mom, it's wrong for you to say that. I don't know how delicious it is when it's cooked! It doesn't have any soul at all!"

The backs of the mother and daughter walked into the living room. After all, what happened tonight was like a dream. Neither of them mentioned it, and no one talked about Fu Yanshen again.

As if the two of them had never been together, as if all the past was just a dream.
Yu Tiantian and his family came to Fu's house early in the morning to be a guest, but Fu Yanshen's parents felt extremely embarrassed. Others came to propose marriage from the man's house, why did they come here, and the woman came to her house...

"Tiantian, have you eaten yet? Would you like your aunt to prepare some breakfast for you?"

Fu's mother held Yu Tiantian's little hand, and said intimately and gently, and when the words fell, Yu Tiantian smiled sweetly, like a delicate princess, "Thank you aunt for your concern, Tiantian has already eaten."

After finishing speaking, her eyes kept looking at Fu Yanshen, and a few blushes flashed across her cheeks.

(End of this chapter)

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