Chapter 715

The feeling of sadness in my heart is so strong, I can't find any way to choose, after all, I can only suppress everything I have, after all, no one can make me relax.

The current situation is something that no one of them can avoid or escape. I used to not believe it in my heart, but I didn't understand many things until later.There are so many things I can't help thinking about...

Closing my eyes, feeling a little hurt and weak, I really can't find any way to solve this problem anymore.

It's a tragedy, but it's not a tragedy, but this situation, after all, makes him want to live in pain. If he wants to relax, he can't care about it, and there is nothing he can do...

This is probably my own sorrow.He looked at the bright sun shining outside, but at this moment, he only felt cold all over his body, he could no longer feel any warmth and heat,

This is his current situation, accepting everything sadly, but he has no ability to solve anything. With this ending, what else can they say?

They can only accept and endure this scene silently, and now it's time for them to explain a word, the feeling of loneliness is so clear and obvious.

"Brother Yan Shen!"

Suddenly at this time, a familiar call came from behind him, even if Fu Yanshen didn't look back, he knew who was coming.

There was a heavy heart in his heart, he didn't say a word, he just suppressed all the emotions in his heart silently, and never said anything again.

This is probably their sorrow. They know that a person likes them, but after all, they ignore them and let the other person break down.

And he himself, like a passer-by who has nothing to do with him, he doesn't pay attention to how her emotions break down, how she thinks wildly in her heart, anyway, anyway, those are things that have nothing to do with him to him!

How could Yu Tiantian not feel sad in this relationship?After all, at this time, everyone feels that it is not easy. After all, everyone loves but can't get it. This is the normal state of life.

And Yu Tiantian comforted herself that Fu Yanshen was going to marry him now anyway, which was considered a relatively lucky thing.

Maybe, Fu Yanshen herself would not feel happy and joyful, but she has been comforted in her heart. After so many years of hard work, the day will finally bear fruit. How could she want to refuse or be unwilling in her heart.

"What are you doing here? I want to be alone." Fu Yanshen said this sentence indifferently without turning around. Hearing this, Yu Tiantian had expected his reaction a long time ago, but she was just unwilling to accept it.

He is like a stranger, without warmth at all. It is obvious that they will be husband and wife soon, why does he treat her like this?

A lot of dissatisfaction arose in her heart, but at this moment Fu Yanshen was unwilling to pay attention to her emotions, and after all, she had no right to say anything, and could only press everything back to her heart.

What else can I do?Now that Fu Yanshen has said this, Yu Tiantian bit her lips in an ugly way, as if she was disappointed and was about to turn around and leave.

But he didn't expect that at this time, Fu Yanshen suddenly stopped her by surprise!
For a moment, Yu Tiantian was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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