Chapter 717

"Go back, I really want to be alone." Fu Yanshen only felt repeated pain in his heart, and he hesitated after all.Let her go back.

At this moment, he is very clear about Yu Tiantian's feelings for him, but he really has no emotions to face her. After all, just treating Qiao Qiancen alone has already consumed a lot of emotions and thoughts.

No matter how much you want to solve it now, it is impossible to realize it!Apart from accepting the present, let's temporarily put Yu Tiantian's affairs aside first, what should I do after the priority?

This is the final ending between them...

Hearing what Fu Yanshen said, Yu Tiantian didn't think too much in his heart, he just felt that he was really in a bad mood and didn't want to play with others.

She didn't say anything, just smiled and left, leaving Fu Yanshen with peace.After all, it came out like this today.It was quite enough for her.

She will no longer be greedy.

Yu Tiantian left, Fu Yanshen looked into the distance, but the pain here became more and more painful.

Qiao Qiancen, what exactly do you want?Is this situation really what you want?No one can change the current state, but he still feels unwilling...

What does this look like, what about being together for the rest of your life?Suddenly a stranger?As long as there is no pain in my heart, it will be broken!I just feel so sad that I can't describe it!

Silently letting all the emotions in his heart surge out, at this moment, he suppressed everything, didn't say anything more, just thinking, it will definitely get better?
Such an ending, after all, he couldn't accept it!With a sinking heart, he didn't say anything more after all.

Anyway, staying here now is depressing, it's better to go out.After all, there is nothing worth keeping in his heart. He doesn't care much about the people here, they are all people who want to persecute him!
Fu Yanshen went out to drink directly.
"One dozen, two dozen, three dozen, four dozen..."

In the dance room, the members of the girl group looked at the mirror in front of them and danced in a neat and unified manner. Every time they turned and bent, their movements were neatly planned.

Qiao Qiancen and the members haven't been together for a long time, and now they dance together again, and they haven't missed any moves, which is really a rare tacit understanding.

Qiao Qiancen was very happy in his heart. Now that everything can return to normal, everything will not be such a bad situation after all. It is surprising that he can be unhappy.

Happy in my heart, sometimes I feel happy in my heart, just feel relaxed and at ease, and after all, I don't need to keep everything in my heart, and I don't need to worry about Fu Yanshen's indifference or temper, which is even more worthy of her happiness.

She used to not understand, thinking that Fu Yanshen was her heaven and earth, but now she finally understands that she is the most important one.

Only if you learn to love yourself first, those things you want will come back in the end, even if you don’t want to believe it in your heart, even if you feel sad sometimes, there is nothing you can do and it’s uncomfortable, there is nothing you can do...

Suppress all emotions in silence. At this time, it is the most correct to live seriously. After all, I don't need to think about the rest...

After all, that man is already getting married...

(End of this chapter)

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