Chapter 719

Shangguan Yuyan seemed to be in a good mood along the way, and kept singing, so emotionally high, but Qiao Qiancen looked very disgusted. What exactly does this Manchu want?He quickly covered his ears, angrily, "You sing so badly, don't bother me! Okay, shut up!"

And Shangguan Yuyan was like a child at this moment, deliberately trying to oppose her, his words were all joking, it didn't matter, "I just want to sing, what's the matter, Qiao Qiancen is my own business Well, after all, I am also in my car now, I have the right to do whatever I want, whatever you want, your request has nothing to do with me!"

Hearing this, Qiao Qiancen was depressed and didn't say any more. After all, what he said is right, it's just that the free driver is a bit noisy for her.

Helpless and helpless in her heart, she did not say a word after all.Now in this situation, after all, I am staying in someone else's car, so I can't say anything, I can only suppress the emotions in my heart silently, and it is the most normal not to say anything...

The feeling of loneliness became more and more clear.

Anyway, Fu Yanshen doesn't care about himself now, and he doesn't need his attention, so it's better to just forget about it, don't keep anything in mind, it doesn't matter, just let go of everything.

That's it, everything is not worth keeping in mind.Silently suppress all the emotions in my heart, the current things are things that I don't want to touch and deal with, so, as long as everything is happy, as long as I feel comfortable, it doesn't matter, then it's fine.

Who made the world like this, what else can I say, now that I have accepted it after all, it is impossible to say anything.

Sweeping away all the emotions in her heart in silence, she relaxed through cultivation. Anyway, all of this is normal for herself, and now it is impossible for all of this to have a worse ending.And I also feel satisfied.

Isn't everything getting better now?Some are silent and don't speak. It seems impossible to change the current state...

Soon, the car finally arrived at its destination. Qiao Qiancen unbuckled his seat belt, said "Thank you" directly, and was about to get out of the car.

But at this time, after all, he didn't say anything, and he didn't want to have anything at all, so he wanted to leave directly, but he didn't expect that Shangguan Yuyan said helplessly behind him, "Qiao Qiancen, are you crossing the river and tearing down the bridge like this? ? Uh huh, after using me, are you going to leave directly?"

In one sentence, he directly expressed his true inner thoughts.Qiao Qiancen was stunned for a moment, and decided to say directly, "You can take it as I thanked you, don't you need to be so fussy? Besides, I heart that you are not my boyfriend, so you don't have to pick me up next time. I don't need you."

Qiao Qiancen said with a smile, leaning against the window, it doesn't matter.That appearance really made Shangguan Yuyan's teeth itch.

"You girl, really don't let me find a chance, I will definitely punish you well!"

Shangguan Yuyan narrowed his eyes slightly, and spoke viciously, but Qiao Qiancen finally smiled, thinking that this guy is actually quite cute, and would only scare himself!

(End of this chapter)

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