Chapter 721

My heart felt as if I was suffocated, and I couldn't speak a word. At this moment, I wanted to say a word, but I found that it was such a luxury to call for help...

When I met Fu Yanshen, all my illusions and self-confidence disappeared at this moment...

After all, no one knows why, but her blood seemed to freeze in an instant, after all, she didn't say a word...

At this moment, Fu Yanshen seemed to be crazy, and kept hugging her tighter, tighter, tighter!

Qiao Qiancen just stood there in a daze, without any strength in his body, and his heart was churning wildly and violently!After all, there was nothing that could be done between them. No one thought about it, and no one expected it to come to this point. But at this moment, both of them are crazy, and they have nothing to say anymore.

It seems that at this moment, there is no need for words between them, only crazy kisses are the final destination...

Qiao Qiancen's whole body was cold, how could he know that this man would come back to her so soon, and this time, he still smelled of alcohol all over his body, she would have guessed it even if he didn't say it, he must have drunk a lot...

The strong smell of tobacco and alcohol surrounded her, her eyes widened, she was so shocked, so unbelievable, after all, everything happened so without warning.

So much so that she couldn't react, so that they lost any ability to react. At this moment, Fu Yanshen was like a raging lion, and she was ultimately a sheep without any ability to resist. In his hands, there is no possibility for her to escape!
After all, Qiao Qiancen gradually regained consciousness and felt a bloody smell. For a moment, her eyes were filled with shock and anger. She never thought that this man would treat her like this!

It was obvious that she was pinching her like a soft persimmon!Now relying on knowing the location of her home and relying on being drunk, he came to her to go crazy? !
Why, he always treats her like this? !
Qiao Qiancen only felt a little irony. At this moment, she didn't know whether she was funny.Or Fu Yanshen himself is funny, the two of them have already broken up, why can they do this?

Did he think they were the hero and heroine of the TV series?No need to do anything, just go on like this crazy and ridiculous? !

All this is too, too ridiculous!What is it now?It is clear that the two of them are already the most familiar strangers, so why rely on these "reasons" to play hooligans like this? !

After all, Qiao Qiancen was angry from the bottom of his heart, and there was nothing he could do about it. After all, the pain Fu Yanshen had given him was too deep, and he couldn't let his guard down at this moment.

She began to struggle vigorously, beating him vigorously with her two small hands, as if she was already in excruciating pain, and she used all her strength with every blow.

"You bastard! Damn... guy"

Qiao Qiancen's face turned red with anger, all this, I just feel that everything has collapsed and shattered in my heart, it's really wrong for them to be forced to sink here!

After all, this place is not where they belong, and why should they stay here together, this place clearly does not belong to them...

(End of this chapter)

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