Chapter 723

He looked at Qiao Qiancen in shock, but he didn't say a word after all. Now, what did she mean by this sentence!
What is this matter now, I still don't understand...

He clearly knew everything, why did this woman just say that she didn't understand?Fu Yanshen couldn't accept it in his heart, but after all the words fell, Qiao Qiancen pushed him away fiercely.

"It's not suitable for us to be together a long time ago. Believe it or not, this is the truth!"

Qiao Qiancen seemed to have nothing to say.The thin lips trembled slightly, looking at Fu Yanshen, after all, her heart was extremely complicated. No one between them had discovered such a problem before, but now that everything is finally revealed, what can they do?

"What are you talking about, please explain clearly!" Fu Yanshen saw that Qiao Qiancen was not going to continue speaking, but after all, she was a little anxious, so she quickly squeezed her hand, wanting to ask clearly.

But upon hearing this, Qiao Qiancen laughed helplessly and sadly, feeling that he had just heard the funniest joke in the world!

"You insisted on me making it clear. Now, I will make it clear to you. You know, the two of us have no fate since the last life. We are together in this life because of a bad fate!"

She seemed to have nothing to do, after all, she never said a word and let the situation develop.

After all, the relationship between them is at the end of the rope, and no one can solve this situation, and no one can say a word.Now this situation.It was all caused by themselves, and the current ending is also caused by the two of them. After all, they have no ability or method at all.

The words I once believed in have now become a joke. Even if I don't accept it, even if I feel hurt, it doesn't matter.

After all, such a situation was unexpected between them, and it was something they had never faced before.

Only by accepting, only by enduring these things, will this situation be able to end well after all. Now Fu Yanshen does not believe it, and he can only say that he believes it, otherwise, after all, there will be no chance to take it back. .

My heart is empty, I just feel that many things are predestined, even if I believe it or not, the thoughts and endings in my heart will not change. After all, they are all victims of this sad situation.

Forced to stay in this world, there is no ability at all, and there is no way to choose.After all, pushing everything to Hyuna is the best thing she has ever done...

Fu Yan listened deeply to Qiao Qiancen's words, and for a moment, his heart throbbed with sadness and loneliness. In this situation, what else can be explained and saved?

Everything has been given for the ending.There is no possibility to take it back. Isn't this picture the two of them asking for it?after all.They only feel sad and hopeless, and they have no ability at all. For example, facing the world, they are all powerless despairers, how to choose, how to do, and how to deal with it.It's all a difficult thing.

Her heart was empty, as if a big piece had been dug out, so uncomfortable, and she was forced to leave after all.

(End of this chapter)

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