Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 729 Could It Be Pregnant?

Chapter 729 Could It Be Pregnant?

"Qiancen," my mother came in at this time, and saw Qiao Qiancen alone by the window, after all, she was a little worried and said, "You have worked so hard every day, how can you do without something to eat. Come on, go to dinner with mom .”

Mother couldn't bear Qiao Qiancen's casual disregard, after all, she felt uneasy. After all, the current situation is unavoidable. If it was possible, it wouldn't be like this between them.

After all, the current ending is already unavoidable, and whatever can be done, it can be done.

Qiao Qiancen listened to her mother's words, but shook her head directly, not wanting to eat, "Mom, I really don't have an appetite today, please let me stay by myself, I think I really can't eat anymore."

Qiao Qiancen's voice fell, and her mother did refuse, shaking her head and said, "How can you do this, you still have a schedule every day, Qiancen, don't refuse, go eat, your body can't stand it if you don't eat."

After all, Qiao Qiancen felt helpless and could only be pulled out by her mother. But, sitting on the dining table, she looked at the food in front of her. For some reason, she felt a little disgusted crying in her heart at this moment.

Involuntarily, she frowned slightly, but she still couldn't bear to make her mother worry and worried, so she could only eat.

It's just that she couldn't bear it at the first mouthful, and then she suddenly felt something, covered her mouth immediately, and then rushed to the toilet, vomited out uncontrollably.

She didn't know why she was in such a situation, but there was nothing she could do at this moment, after all, it had already happened.I can only bear it silently.

Qiao Qiancen frowned thinly, pressed the flush button, but still felt uncomfortable in his heart, feeling like he was going to be soiled, it was extremely uncomfortable!
At this time, her mother was already standing behind her, seeing her current reaction, after all, she felt uneasy in her heart.

Faintly, there is a bad premonition.She didn't know how to describe it, but now she was always extremely uneasy, and there was a feeling of panic, which became more and more obvious.

She looked at Qiao Qiancen with some worry, and gradually, she felt that the bad premonition in her heart became more and more clear in the current situation, and she no longer felt safe in her heart.

"Qiancen, are you okay?" Mother heard worriedly, and Qiao Qiancen heard that, she really didn't want to let her mother worry, so she quickly maintained a good complexion, trying to make herself look as pale and uncomfortable as possible. , how did I know that I was just about to speak, but the next second, I interrupted myself as soon as I heard the sound.

She vomited straight away, not knowing what was going on in her heart, but now she had no choice but to try to make herself as comfortable as possible without any emotions or changes.

She clearly understands it in her heart, but at this moment, many people are going back and forth in her mind, it seems really difficult for her to calm down...

Shen Diandian's feeling is that there is no ability to prevent and stop it, but now, after all, there is no way to do it. After all, they have done everything they can do their best. After all, it is Chen Lun who has reached this point. Not innocent!

No matter how hard I feel in my heart that I cannot accept it, it is also true.
After all, the mother still panicked, hesitated for a moment, and said directly, "Qiancen, you must be pregnant, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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