Chapter 731

When Qiao Qiancen heard her mother's words, she felt as if she was stunned for a moment. After all, she didn't say a word anymore. At this moment, she knew clearly that her mother didn't say anything wrong, but she didn't think of it. Things will be discovered so quickly.

Trembling slightly in her heart, she turned her back to her mother and finally closed her eyes.

Even if he knew that this matter would not be kept secret for a long time, and would be discovered after all, but at this moment, he couldn't say a word anymore, after all, he had already made it so clear in his heart.

And now that my mother lives with me, she will find out sooner or later. Since this is the case, why not let it go!
Feeling a little helpless in her heart, the sinking mood was so helpless, she had no choice to make.

Now they are all helpless people, even if they don't want to, even if they feel that it is too uncomfortable to say such a thing, if their mother finds out, they will definitely think that she is a girl who doesn't love herself, but at this moment, after all, There is no other way.

I can't hide the fact that I am pregnant, sooner or later I will be found out, since this is the case, what else is worth hesitating.

After all, Qiao Qiancen nodded without thinking too much. Telling her mother this fact was a last resort, anyway, she would know sooner or later!
I feel a little helpless in my heart, I have worked hard for so long but I can't achieve my wish, and now it is finally the time when I can't escape!
I feel worried in my heart, I feel that there is nothing to hide, but there is no way, after all, I have used all my abilities, and there is still no way to undo it, which means that in fact this is what is destined!
I feel very helpless in my heart, I have worked hard for so long but I can't do anything after all, after all, I was silent, and her nodding was seen by my mother

For a moment, Li Yiyuan was only shocked, but he didn't expect it to be like this. It was clear that the two of them had already broken up, but now that there is such a commotion, the matter will not be resolved so easily!
I feel depressed in my heart, and it is really correct until I decide how to make a decision, but I don't have much time to say anything, and now I have no way to mind and choose in this situation!
Feeling very shocked in his heart, Li Yiyuan hesitated for a moment, he didn't know what to do next, but now, he didn't have the ability to do it.

Feeling heavy in his heart, Li Yiyuan didn't know what to choose at this moment after all, he hesitated for a while, and finally decided to ask, "Does Fu Yanshen know about this matter?"

He asked cautiously, not knowing what to do to be the real correct one, but now no one has told him the answer, and he can only be forced to take it here after all, waiting for this answer!
Feeling helpless and without any choice, at this moment, if Fu Yanshen knew, what would he think and how would he choose?

Li Yiyuan wanted to know in his heart, after all, the two of them used to have such a good relationship, and now, they still have feelings for each other,

I believe he should not sit idly by, right?

Li Yiyuan thought uncertainly in his heart.

But at this time, Qiao Qiancen shook his head directly and said, "He doesn't know now."

(End of this chapter)

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