Chapter 735

The loneliness in my heart probably has no way to fill it up. Qiao Qiancen only felt sad in his heart. Now they came to the door of Fu's house, and it just so happened, whether it was the arrangement of fate or something, they just met the people from Fu's house to send them off. The scene where the Yu family left and chatted next to the car at the door.

This place is resplendent and magnificent, sitting in the center of Yuncheng City where every inch of land is expensive, even the Fu family dare not make such a luxurious TV series.

But Qiao Qiancen looked at the moment in front of him, but felt that his heart was empty, such a luxury, such a beautiful scenery, would only belong to a certain group of people after all, and it seemed that that person would never be himself?
It is very clear in my heart, but I feel very sad. Who wants to realize such a thing? If I can, I would rather be a little transparent forever without anyone's relationship, not being noticed by anyone, and immersing myself in my own world Beautiful, immerse yourself in your own world and spend every day happily like a child.

But in the end, both fate and reality can't help her!He wanted to float with the wind, wanted to bid farewell to this time, but there was no way, between them, there was no way for him to get through it so easily and easily.

Qiao Qiancen looked at those people not far away.There is no one who is not smiling so hypocritically, because they are all people who are beneficial to each other, so they smile so "happy". I'm afraid he didn't even bother to give him a look?

Feeling a little helpless in my heart, but also thankful that Fu Yanshen is not here at this moment. If he is not, I can relax at will. I don't have to feel sad because of those things, but feel that I have no way to breathe and calm down.

Reluctantly sinking their hearts, when the sorrow between them has fallen to the land of despair, after all, there is no way to do anything more.

At best, they worked hard for a while, but how could they attract the attention of a few of them?Now at this time, I don't understand and there is nothing I can do. After all, they will learn to give up when they are tired to a certain situation, right?

Qiao Qiancen thought sadly that when her mother saw the scene on the Internet, she just felt so angry. Now her daughter is pregnant, but the two of them are already planning to get married. Fire comes up!
She couldn't help saying that she directly grabbed Qiao Qiancen and pulled her out of the car. Qiao Qiancen wanted to fight again and make a decision with her mother, but the mother didn't give any chance at all, so she pulled Qiao Qiancen out of the car After that, he took it directly and walked in their direction.

"Hahaha my dear, don't be so polite. I know how to do the land business next month. From now on, the two of us will just..."

Before the voice fell, the next second, a business came directly, "Wait a minute, you get married, what about my daughter and the child in her belly?!"

For a moment, everyone was stunned. Yu Tiantian was smiling cutely, but who knew that when she turned her head and saw Qiao Qiancen and her mother, her color changed completely!
She never thought that such a situation would happen now!He was about to get married, and Qiao Qiancen came to pester her?

(End of this chapter)

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