Chapter 737

At this moment, all the people looked at Qiao Qiancen and Li Yiyuan, with many strange emotions in their hearts, and they didn't understand at all why it had developed to this point.

And Yu Tiantian watched from the side, after all, she felt more and more angry in her heart. She had been dominating Fu Yanshen before. After all, she and Fu Yanshen were in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship at that time, and he was just an outsider and couldn't say anything. .

But now that she is also his fiancée, why is this Qiao Qiancen making trouble now!I just feel angry in my heart, and I can't accept her behavior and words. It's completely condescending, as if someone owes her something!
After all, none of them did anything wrong. After hearing some gossip, it was she, Qiao Qiancen, who proposed the breakup at the beginning. What's the matter, now they want to go back on their word and feel unwilling?
The more I thought about it, the more angry I felt. Even if it was said that Qiao Qiancen broke up because he wanted to annoy Fu Yanshen, or because he wanted to use it in exchange for some bargaining chip, now it is her turn to express her opinion.

She no longer has her position and qualifications to speak here, and she was very angry. Looking at Qiao Qiancen, she felt that many emotions were rising at this moment.

"Qiao Qiancen, I apologize for my aunt's inappropriate words just now, but at this moment, you probably know very well that Fu Yanshen and I are getting married. From now on, please stay away from my husband! Stay away!"

What she said was full of momentum, but in the end, Qiao Qiancen was still stunned. She didn't expect that Yu Tiantian had already put on airs with her at this moment, directly revealing her identity.

I'm afraid she doesn't know, she will be Fu Yanshen's wife in the future...

At this moment, Qiao Qiancen only felt cold all over her body, and no one would understand such a heart-wrenching feeling. In the current situation, after all, she had no way to explain anything. After all, what Yu Tiantian said was not wrong, this is the most correct Understand.

From now on, Fu Yanshen will be her husband. After all, she no longer wants to admit it in her heart, and she has no choice but to feel surprised, shocked, and unable to believe that this fact will come so soon...

He couldn't express the heavy feeling in his heart, why he had this feeling, but at this moment, his heart was empty, and he couldn't find any words to explain it.

The mood is complicated and there is no way to explain it. The reason why they have fallen into the current situation is after all self-inflicted, and after all, no one can really explain it clearly.

But now, I still can't understand Yu Tiantian's arrogant attitude after all, "Ah? You are Fu Yanshen's fiancée? Congratulations, after so many years, you finally got your wish. You have become the proprietress, don't let the other female colleagues in the company know about it, otherwise they will think that this approach is really feasible, and they will rush to find your husband in the future..."

Qiao Qiancen said with a smile, the more he got to the back, the more ruthless he was, directly telling Yu Tiantian's mood very poorly!

Now, she really felt uneasy. After all, when she was an assistant in the past, many female colleagues in the company really liked Fu Yanshen. She knew this very well in her heart!
(End of this chapter)

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