Chapter 742

"Auntie, I hope you can understand that I am not interested in your family or your son at all. Take back your unwarranted arrogance, I really don't care."

Qiao Qiancen looked at Fu Yanshen's mother, and finally said such a sentence unceremoniously, and the voice fell for a moment, Fu Yanshen's mother only felt angry in her heart, a little bit annoyed.

"You, what do you mean now? I'm already willing to listen to you. Otherwise, I'll see you long ago and never see you again. It's your honor, okay?"

Fu Yanshen's mother put her waist directly, and said in an extremely airy manner, but upon hearing this, the corner of Qiao Qiancen's mouth twitched slightly, feeling speechless, turned around and left directly.

Now at this time, it has nothing to do with me. Since this is the case, why should we persist?
My heart has been empty, and now at this time, I don't care about the real situation anymore. Anyway, the reason why I came back here is because of my mother, otherwise, what would happen to me? come?
There is no longer any thought in my heart that I want to continue to persist. At this moment, if Fu Yanshen's mother really insists on thinking this way, it doesn't matter to me.

Just turn around and leave.But at this time, when the voice came, he stopped himself, "Wait a minute, Qiancen, wait a minute, we haven't made it clear yet!"

After all, the mother didn't intend to give up, and she had already given up in the current situation, but to the mother, it was naturally the most important thing for her daughter's happy life in the future, so she had to be close to all rights no matter what.

No matter what others think, no matter how unhappy they feel, they will never be given any chance to redeem and imagine.

In the current situation, what should I do? Eat well, there seems to be a voice in my heart questioning myself, and in the end, I don’t know how to choose is the most correct.

After all, now, after working hard for so long, I still haven't been able to achieve my desired goal. What else can I cook?
As if now.There is no other way but to give up and stop thinking about it.

Qiao Qiancen was thinking about giving up and escaping, but after all, on his mother's side, he insisted on asking her to get back an explanation, and he was determined not to let all this end so hastily.

What happened in the past, even if I forget it now, I know it clearly in my heart, and I may repeat the same mistakes, so now, there is an empty space in my heart, I just feel that I understand some things in my heart, and the rest.No matter how hard I try, no matter how unwilling and need to struggle, no one can repay me.

The direction of the previous efforts was not clear, and in the end, it ended up as King Arthur. Now that it happens again, the sharpness must be unbearable. What should be forgotten now, after all, can only be forgotten.

After all, what I want to look back and escape from comes from something. I didn't believe it before, but now, it shows that I really can't believe it or not!
The fact is that the situation is so severe!No matter how sad your heart is, no matter how determined you are not to give up, there is nothing you can do?

(End of this chapter)

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