Chapter 746

Qiao Qiancen felt helpless in his heart, if he could not do this, he would definitely not want to, but now that he has become like this, there is nothing he can do.He can only do what he can.Pushing everything to the situation that I least want to see, but after all, I am just an ordinary person, and I don't want to be like this if I can.

She sighed, with tears in her eyes.

"I believe you also know. The relationship between the two of us has been maintained for many years. The reason why we have come to this point now is that there is nothing between us. And from the beginning to the end, I just want to fulfill my wish That's all, I haven't persecuted anyone, and I haven't hurt anyone. I just want to protect the relationship between the two of us. Now that it has become like this, I can't Say something. And I just want you to understand now. There is nothing between me and him. From now on, me and him are a complete dream. If you want, I will too. Never see you again He. I believe you should be satisfied with such an answer, right?"

The despair in his eyes became more and more obvious.Do not know why.At this moment, Fu Yanshen's mother, who hated him very much, actually began to feel a little sympathy and hope in her heart.He didn't know that he would force a girl to this extent.Speaking of myself and the child's father is also an example of self-made.Both of them came from poor families.The two stick to each other's love, and believe that one day there will be a happy ending where flowers will bloom and bear fruit.After all, I have realized it now, but for some reason she doesn't believe that there is such a relationship anymore.In his eyes gradually become interest.Nothing is more important than money, he thought.

So in terms of his son's mate selection, he has never made too much concessions.He only thinks that those things should be like this, they should be like this, and no concession can make anyone change his mind.His heart was empty.The remaining space seems to be only able to put down money.

One day he suddenly realizes that he has become like this. You feel a little scary, but after all, this belief has been deeply rooted.It's not so easy to get him to change things now.He just felt that he had become a little scary. He was no longer the former self who believed in love and believed in all the good things in the world. Now he seems to be a person who only sees money.

In his eyes, there is no emotion, no beauty, no other kindness in this world.He seemed to have become a stranger himself.

After being silent for a while, he finally felt a little tired.I want to apologize but I still can't say it, after all, I have been used to being superior over the past ten years.I am more used to looking at the girl in front of me coldly.For a while, he was afraid that he couldn't change it.

After a moment of silence, he decided to speak. "That's right, I'm satisfied with the decision in front of me. Since you understand so well, I won't make things difficult for you anymore."

He said so, but he felt pity for him in his heart.

I wasn't like this before, but now I see this girl's pathetic appearance, and I blame myself for such a possible appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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