Chapter 754

"Please, Ms. Qiao, I also know that you are helpless now, but you also need to understand my situation. Behind me is the entire upper class. If something happens to us, everyone will laugh at us. You can't bear to regress now. Will you make it easier for us all? We don’t know how to proceed with you now. We had a good chat, didn’t we? But now that you say it like this, we don’t know what to do next. Row."

"Auntie, please don't say that. After all, we both live on the same boat now. Only me, my mother, and you know that the three of us must stand on the same boat and united front. Otherwise, in the future. The consequences could be disastrous!"

After all, he lowered his eyebrows and looked at him seriously and firmly, as if telling him that he would never give in on this matter. No matter what she thinks, what kind of person she thinks he is, it doesn't matter to him, after all Now that he is working hard for himself, why should he let himself give up everything, for his benefit?
think too much!

The sinking feeling in his heart seemed to be suppressed a lot, but he knew he couldn't relax.

He knew how powerful this woman was in the mall, and there was a reason why everyone called her the devil.He has the ability to attribute everything to himself and not attribute all the credit and benefits to himself.

After all, I can't underestimate him, he is not a good person, I know this very well in my heart.It was just an illusion that just appeared!I made it clear in my heart, after all, whether or not Xia Tian can still say something for him, if I don't know what I should do in my heart now, I will definitely be used as a gun by him.

Well, after all, he has an independent personality, and he doesn't need anyone to make decisions for her. If this one is still going on like this, then don't blame him for being cruel, after all, he knows what he can do.

If they continue to do this, I would rather abandon everything and not leave another face. If they are willing to do this, it doesn't matter to him. Anyway, everyone is only looking at their immediate interests now, and no one is willing. Spread out to each other, so be it.

Anyway, he believes that in the end, no one can be relieved easily, but in this painful trade, everyone is in pain, and no one can get through it easily, so now they must be on the same line and understand what they should do. And correct it according to the previous behavior.This is the only way out!

She looked at the girl in front of her, and a lot of emotions arose in her heart. For some reason, the connection with her that had disappeared seemed to come back at this moment.Because he is really too similar to himself in the same drama, the same unwillingness to give in, the same way when encountering things, he counts on one direction and refuses to let anyone have a chance to reach himself.There are too many similarities between them.

"Auntie, have you thought it through? I don't have to ask you to do this. If you don't want to, we can break up. I believe you don't want such an ending, and I don't want it either." , so now we have to unite the front to make things clear."

(End of this chapter)

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