Chapter 759

"My dear child, are you not hurt? The old witch inside didn't hurt you, and he didn't say anything too much. Tell Mom, Mom will help you vent your anger, okay?"

Seeing Qiao Qiancheng's reddened eyes, his mother felt distressed after all, and felt that he must have been wronged and bullied inside, but at this moment he had no choice but to comfort him Child, let him be happy as much as possible, and stop feeling sad and sad.

In fact, he has always been wondering why it seems that the fate of himself and his daughter is very bitter. Neither of them has the ability to be happy. Usually, he really wants to ask God after all. What did he do wrong? What?Why can everyone in this world enjoy joy and happiness, but only she and her daughter will always live in hell, as if they never deserve to see the sun.

"Mom, don't worry that I'm fine, and he didn't say anything. The two of us have already settled this matter. Let's stop here. From now on, don't let anyone know about this matter. We will treat it as one." Newborns, from now on we don’t need anyone to pity us, and we don’t need anyone to see us clearly.”

Qiao Qiancen's words were firm and decisive.After all, the mother felt distressed when she heard it, and she didn't know how to comfort her daughter. After all, the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. The wrong things I have done are now impossible to undo, and now let my daughter be with her Sad and sad, I feel that I am a sinner after all, but what should I do?How to say that this daughter can forgive herself, stop resenting him, and trust him.

"Really? Qian Cen, don't lie to mom. My mom knows that you must have suffered in it. That old witch is not a good person at first glance. Since then, he has been targeting you and opposing the two of you together. Now you alone When people face him, he must have spilled all kinds of bad words and bad words on you. Don’t be sad, Mother Thousand Layer will always stand by your side. Inside. Let’s go home now, shall we? No one can hurt the two of us. We are a family, and we will have this child in the future. If no one takes care of you, no man is willing to marry you. Can Mom take care of you? No one can It makes my daughter feel wronged and sad, anyway, you are the most important baby in my mother's heart, I don't allow anyone to think you are bad. You are not good and I don't allow anyone to look down on you. "

The mother stroked her face, her words were soft, as if she was comforting a baby, Qiao Qianchen felt a little lonely when she heard this moment.

My own mother is really too kind.So from the time when he was bullied by those people, he never thought of revenge and resistance, so that it is still like this at this time. He feels very guilty for being bullied by others. After all, it is her who is his daughter. No, if he, as a daughter, can understand some things, know a lot about the world, and don't cause trouble to anyone, then he, a mother, will definitely have a very happy life.

Why is she so ignorant?
(End of this chapter)

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