Chapter 761

After all, the two of them separated, and at this moment, Fu Yanshen's mother kept looking at their backs.He knew very well in his heart that making this decision now was a last resort.

He would not want to do this if he could, but now that it has reached such a point, there is no possibility for them to regret it. If they can choose to never do it once, he will definitely not let his son meet this woman , because this is a bad relationship.

There is some promise in his heart, he doesn't know what to do next, but at this moment his son has fallen in love with this woman, this is a fact that cannot be changed, the only thing he can do is to let him transfer Pay attention, don't have any thoughts about this woman, if possible, he wants his son to marry another woman as soon as possible...

As long as they are rich and noble, it is fine.

In this way, he might be able to completely break his heart towards these women, and he knew in his heart how persistent his son was.Facing a person, his feelings cannot be changed.

He is not cruel, nor is he intentional. He wants to do this just for the face of his family and for the future development. He can only choose this way, no matter whether his son will hate him in the future, everyone will point at him It doesn't matter if you yell at Hei, after all, this matter requires someone to be a bad person, so why not him as a mother?If it was possible, she would rather bet everything on it, as long as her son and her family could be happy, everything would be fine.

As soon as Fu Yanshen came back from the outside, he saw that the house was empty. He didn't ask any more questions and was about to go upstairs, but at this time a servant was packing up.

He didn't pay attention to it at first, but his eyes widened as if he had discovered something in the past.

At this moment, the servant is packing up the things.Isn't it the thing that Qiao Qianchen once gave him that has been treasured in his room?He didn't expect these things to appear here, and just as he was about to throw them away, anger welled up in his heart, and he rushed up without saying a word, and grabbed the things.

"Are you going to rebel? When did you go to my room to get the things? When did I agree? You went in? Didn't I say that no one is allowed to touch the things in my own room? Why are you doing this now? , why did you throw away what he gave me?"

He was furious, as if the bottom line had been touched, your eyes were full of anger, and at this moment the servant didn't know what to say, after all, this was an order from someone else, and he was just following the order.


The employer is a little speechless.Now at this time, I really don't know what to say, I hesitated and thought for a long time, and finally said the matter.

"Master, I'm sorry, I didn't know that this thing is very important to you. I am doing this now because my wife ordered me like this. I am just a person who does things. I don't know the reason for this. Please Forgive me, sir."

The servant said in fear, but at this time, Mr. Fu was about to say something, but a voice came and interrupted his words,

(End of this chapter)

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