Chapter 763

At this moment, even he himself didn't know why he said such words, but facing her mother's atrocities, she really felt that she couldn't bear it any longer. At this moment, I no longer have the heart to continue to persevere. If I don't make it clear, I'm afraid I will feel crazy.

It was because of these things that their family became very disharmonious. Neither his father nor he was willing to get close to his mother because they were suspicious and took control of the overall situation first, and they were unwilling to leave them alone. With a little privacy, the whole family will develop to that point in the end, and now he doesn't want these things to repeat the same mistakes.

So he chose to speak out and communicate with his mother. He didn't believe that there was no reservation to play with this matter, so he tried hard to impress his mother and let him understand that he only wanted to be with a Independent space, each of us has his own space, now that he has interrupted himself like this, it is difficult to continue living by his side, if she understands, she can forget all this and continue to live with him Together, but now I'm afraid that he won't understand, or even more afraid that she will pretend not to understand.

At this moment, Fu Yanshen's mother became a little angry when she heard his words like this. She was just doing it for their own good, why they still couldn't understand herself in the end, why they still thought he was just making trouble, and why they thought he was making trouble. I just want to disturb their happiness and make them no longer happy, but the invention is just out of good intentions, hoping that everything can get better.

He sighed a little angrily and a little helplessly, looking at them, he felt a fire burning in his heart. "I know you all hate me, what's the use of saying these things now? Your father is also abroad all year round, but he just doesn't want to go home. He doesn't want to listen to what I say now, but you say I'm nagging, I'm just I just want you to get better. But you can’t wait for my heart after all. You all think that I want to harm you, and you don’t want to listen to my thoughts. Is it possible that I still want to harm you? Now What can I say at this time, I just want to protect all of this after all, I can protect some, why you are not willing to look at my heart for you from the beginning to the end, now this is the time I don't force anything, I I just hope that you can understand me and feel sorry for what I don’t want to be here. It’s all my fault, okay?”

He said sadly that he is indeed unqualified as a mother, but he has been working hard to make this family more brilliant and more dignified, but they all seem to have different ideas from him.

"Mom, don't talk about it at this time. Dad and I both understand what you are doing, and we also know it. It's just that you are working hard in the end, but can you calm down and think about what you have worked hard for? Is it for our good or for your face, why don't you think about it carefully, have we really been happy for what you call for us all these years?"

(End of this chapter)

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