Chapter 766

"You, you are my son, how can you say such a thing? Do you think it is right to talk to your mother like this? Come back to me, what are you going to do, come back to me."

He was like crazy, looking at his back and yelling. At this moment, he finally felt unconvinced. Why did he do so much and pay so much, but in the end he couldn't get his spouse and his children Understand their own efforts from beginning to end, can't they see it?Who is it that works day and night?

His heart was very painful, he didn't know how to adjust his current emotions, but now facing this time, it seemed that everything had become strange, and he had worked so hard for so long.He is always struggling and moving forward, but he has never found that the elf he wanted is getting farther and farther away. He used to always feel that he should do the things in front of him first, and it will not be too late to maintain all the feelings in the future. But now it seems that it is really too late, and it is still wrong, terribly wrong, I have no way to restore and save all this situation, after all, all I am facing now is what I don't want to see, and it is my own after all. .It's true that he didn't expect him to be unexpected.

He lowered his head sadly, even though he had already walked up the stairs and started to pack his things, he still couldn't bear to forgive and apologize after all.He didn't think he was wrong, she felt that her husband and son were wrong from the beginning to the end, but now there seems to be a voice in his heart that is also questioning himself, could it be that everything he has done for so many years should not be Yeah, we've been around for so many years and we really just made a really stupid decision that didn't help anyone? !
"I don't believe it, I really don't believe it. I have worked hard for so many things over the years, but why do I still have nothing in the end? I have clearly arranged everything. As long as he does what I said, it will definitely not happen. That's wrong, as long as he marries a lady from a famous family according to what I said, our attachment will flourish forever in the future, and you will never be able to go into decline!"

He also said with a bit of pain, seeing that his son didn't understand the reason of her husband, it was like a knife pierced deeply into his heart, there was no way to say anything, after all, they were forced to stay in this world The wronged soul in the world just wanted to find his own home, but found that it was such a difficult thing.

Fu Yanshen returned to his room upstairs, and started to pack up these things without saying a word. Some of them were gifts from Chen Jinqiao, and he treasured them up. At this moment, he picked them up again. She came out and sorted it out, wiped it clean, and put it back again. These things are very precious to her, even in the eyes of others, they are worthless gadgets, but others don't know that they are all between her and Qiao Qiancen. Best memories ever.

In that era when everything was scarce, they all gave each other the best and most precious things they thought. Now no one can say anything more. These are the proofs of the most precious memories between them.For her, money is hard to buy and money is hard to change.

(End of this chapter)

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