Chapter 772

Now what does he mean by this sentence?Could it be that he has really changed?But he clearly did not admit his mistake, the person in front of him was their good sister who once said that she would never change her mind and would always stand together shoulder to shoulder to face all difficulties.But why did he say so many strangers, every word and expression looked like a stranger, but he clearly didn't admit it was wrong, he can be very sure of this.

"Aren't you kidding me? How could you not know me? I still remember clearly the things we two said and the secrets we shared. Why do you say that? Is it possible? You are angry with me, right? Why don’t you say it? Don’t solve the problem, don’t you have to hide it in your heart to be happier? I really don’t know where I offended you. You say it like this now, I’m really You will feel very disappointed and sad, Xia Han and I are only your good friends after all, neither of us owes you anything."

Qiao Qiancen's words became more serious because of his tone. He couldn't accept unreasonable accusations, not to mention that he had never done anything wrong to her. She still treated him so hard, helped him solve his difficulties, He has been through a lot of things, but in the end, why did he talk about himself like this, as if there was no relationship between them, and more of them were hurt and used, but it is clear that this is not theirs, they are themselves, they can understand that they have been After all, he couldn't explain what he had experienced. He just felt pain, sadness, and disappointment.

So many things have happened in the past, they thought that it would never be possible to be changed and affected again, but now it seems that after all, they are so wrong, no one is willing to point at him, no one at home will It can be said that these words and the rich are an ordinary person after all, and now they will become such a point, after all, no one knows why they want to hug each other, want to be the best person, the two stand on the stage and shine, But it seems that there are not so many things in the world that are easy to do for him.

It is said that it is normal to ask for nothing, as if the three of them once agreed to come and stand on the stage together, but in the end without him, he also felt very sad and disappointed, and he also knew that he would definitely be unhappy in his heart, but Could it be that she blamed him for all of this? He is also very innocent, okay?He also didn't practice until late at night, and his body was already very uncomfortable.He never said a word of complaint, but now he is so qualitative, thinking that he has taken away his glory, is it really fair to him?He has no way to accept these groundless accusations, let alone believe that this is the good sister he once trusted the most. When he said it, he just felt like he was a different person. Impossible to believe the same.

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to study. You really let me down. If I could do it all over again, I would never choose someone like you again. You let me down so much. There is no longer a belief that can hold on."

There were tears in Qiao Qiancheng's eyes, he didn't know why his life was always up and down like this, as if he couldn't get what he wanted, as if the whole world was against him, as if he had really done something wrong Unforgivable sins will never be forgiven by God and the gods, but after all, no one told him what he did wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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