Chapter 778

I believe that no one can believe that this will be the end of the two of them.It used to be so beautiful and so happy.Happiness, he gave himself so many beautiful dreams.

But in the end, he told himself that all of this was false, how could he accept such great pain and humiliation in his heart, at this moment he only felt pain, and he had a feeling of being bullied.

Breathing became a little difficult, she really couldn't believe that this man would treat him like this, he had already announced that his wedding would be held soon, and now he said such words at such a critical moment , the only thing is to give him an ugly look. Could it be that the fantasies given to him before were nothing but a dream.

He really couldn't believe that the final outcome turned out to be like this. He clearly thought that he had achieved his wish, and that he would no longer need to feel regret and sadness in the future, but he didn't expect that after all, he was thinking too much, and this man didn't have that at all. He didn't even think about giving him any kindness.Not to mention giving him a grand wedding, just talking, but who gave him a little comfort, made him think that the fruits of his labor for so many years were not in vain.

But I don't know why, at this moment, he felt so resentful in his heart, why can't he be the lucky heroine?Why can't I get all the good things in the end, why?
He clenched his fists in pain, he didn't know why he was always like this in his heart, he could only be jealous, could this be his fate?He doesn't believe it?
Why is everything beautiful belonged to Qiao Qiancen.Why did he end up with nothing in the end? His department had worked hard enough, parted ways, enough to get what he wanted, but why did he end up like this in the end? He really couldn't accept it.

"Go and tell him that if he dares to destroy the marriage, then the compensation he will have to pay in the future will be very large. I know he doesn't care, but his family will definitely care. At this time, we can do as much as possible." Just do some recovery plans, I don’t want to regret it.”

Yu Tiantian turned her head and looked at the staff's decisive tone, without any meaning of regret.At this moment, everything was too late for him to repent.

The staff listened to his words with ease and a little grudge. After all, they all know what kind of existence Fu Yanshen is in Yuncheng. Saying such things now is undoubtedly not good for him. I thought it was just to show that I was against him. It's the same as being on one side, they don't know what to say after all, Tiantian is now a matter between the two of them, and they have already quarreled, it seems that what they outsiders are saying is useless, but after all...

"You should know that these threats have no effect on him. He never acts on the face of others. This is his own lesson. As a part-time worker, I have no way to say anything, just miss Now I will try my best to help you persuade him, even if the final result may not be great, I still hope you can forgive him, young master."

The staff said in a bit of embarrassment, but he smiled when he heard this sentence. "Let me forgive him, but who will forgive me now? Do you know that I have also lived a very painful and sad life. I have been oppressed all this time, can you forgive me and let him know How much pain is in my heart, can you please treat the problems between the two of us equally? Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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