Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 102 Emerald House and Space Are Neighbors

Chapter 102 Emerald House and Space Are Neighbors

"It seems that it is useless, but this should be a real emerald whose tentacles are cold, but it still looks like a good thing.

Can you guarantee that this emerald is real?Although emeralds are not worth much now, I don't want to buy fakes, which will make me unhappy. "

Han Yinuo was obviously deeply attracted by this little emerald house.

This means that life is better now, if you can't even eat enough, how can you be attracted by these inappropriate eating and drinking things.

"Miss, don't worry, all the items in our store at the base are authentic, and we also have experts here to appraise them."

The sales lady said confidently, what's more, it's easy to tell whether the jadeite is real or not.

Except for people like Han Xinnuo who don't have much knowledge, people with a little family background can tell if this stuff is real or fake by just touching it.

"That's good. Just tell me how to sell this gadget. If the price is good, I'll buy it back and use it as a decoration."

Han Yinuo didn't know why he still fell in love with luxury goods. Could it be because he bought a watch worth tens of millions before the end of the world last time?
"Let's take a look! Let's take a look, I know jadeite too, and I can tell the difference."

Before Han Xiaochen could speak, Yu Momo ran over to watch.

"Han Xinnuo, don't worry, this is definitely real jade, it can't be fake, and it's at the level of glass."

Yu Momo nodded affirmatively after touching it.
the salesman smiled

"This glass seed product costs 5 catties of grain. And we don't accept bargaining here."

If you like it, you won't find it too expensive. If you don't like it, you think it's not suitable for use, and he won't exchange half a catty of grain.

"This is a bit expensive!"

Han Zhennuo frowned but didn't know why, he just liked this little emerald house so much.

So he nodded with pain, and took out another 5 catties of corn from his backpack.

"Okay, okay, five catties of grain is 5 catties of grain, and I will never go shopping again."

"Okay, miss, let's make a deal."

The salesperson smiled happily, she never imagined that her performance would be so good today!
After the deal is over, Han Xinuo naturally put the little emerald house into his backpack
And then they bought some protective gloves, hats and other things that they thought might be used in action
I have to say that they were bleeding a lot today.

Han Xiaochen was a little dazed, this little emerald house gave her a very extraordinary feeling.

But I can't be sure without looking closely.

But forget it, Han Yinuo is my best friend, not to mention that everyone has their own destiny
It's like the old saying, some things are theirs.

Otherwise, Yu Momo has no interest in this at all, but he hasn't seen it yet, let alone see it clearly.Was it bought by Han Yunuo first?
It's just that after the three of them came out, they were very lucky to meet Han Yinuo's younger brother Han Dong.

Han Yunuo's eyes flickered, his lips moved nonordinarily, but he didn't speak.

Han Dong, this boy has been fine since he was a child
"Don't worry, I will take care of my parents! I'll just pretend that you went to find your in-laws in advance.

That is to say, I don't have the ability now, otherwise I wouldn't let Mom eat the steamed buns specially made for supernatural powers in your base.

But be careful yourself, your ability has no attack power, don't be tricked by anyone. "

Han Dongdong took a deep look at Han Zhennuo and the two girls beside him, but then glanced at Han Xiaochen with some doubts, and then quickly left.

After all, they are speed mutants. Even if these three people want to chase, they can't catch up, but they just don't want to chase at all.
"Han Xinuo? Who is this person?" Han Xiaochen asked knowingly.

"My brother! Well, we have to clean up when we go back. If we go out to participate in activities, we need to prepare well!"

Han Xinuo felt a little depressed, but still didn't want to go back to his parents' house.

"Han Xinnuo, don't think too much, it's okay, your brother is smart!
It's also very clear, but it was also born by your parents, why don't you have so much attention from others! "

Yu Momo giggled and patted Han Zhennuo's head, and even approached Han Zhennuo viciously.

Folding his arms around his chest, he pushed hard, knocking the unsuspecting Han Zhennuo far away.

"Haha!" Yu Momo covered his stomach and laughed
Han Zhennuo was stunned for a moment and then smiled, "Yu Momo, you scoundrel, you dare to sneak up on me, see if I don't beat you up!"

"Come on, come on!" Yu Momo ran a long way, but he was also on the way back.

"Let's go and chase her!" Han Xiaochen also got excited.

The three of them were laughing and joking, but they forgot about the unhappy thing just now.

But after going back, the few people didn't get together again, and they all went back to their homes to start making preparations.

Han Xiaochen actually felt that he had nothing to prepare, since everything was in the space anyway.

But she also took out her chain crossbow and wiped it again.

It's just that Zhao Ye is a little troublesome, and I don't know if he sees that he is here.

But this serial crossbow was obtained from his shop.

If he hadn't been asked about it, he would have said that he bought the chain crossbow from the black market in the base.

Yes, now this base not only has an open trading market, but also someone spontaneously formed a secret trading place.

Naturally, there are everything that can be traded there, and many of them are not in compliance with the rules.

Han Xiaochen frowned and thought for a while, but still decided that it was better not to take out the chain crossbow as a last resort.

But even so, Han Xiaochen practiced in the yard with a chain crossbow.

In fact, it doesn't take much practice, but sometimes practice makes perfect, and it's better to be fully familiar with your own weapons.

It's just that what's so weird about the little emerald house that Han Xinuo bought?

I can only see that there seems to be something blocking me in the small emerald house, making myself unable to see through, and I can feel that it must be a magical object.

Is it space or something?
In fact, when Han Yinuo put the little emerald house into the backpack, he just threw it into the space by the way.

Although she usually has no heart, she still held back the turmoil in her heart, and did not let the two friends see it.

As soon as this small house entered the space, it messed up the space very much, and it even felt like it had settled down.

However, he didn't take up any space. Instead, he opened it up by himself. A place occupies about 100 square meters!

It's like becoming a neighbor in your own space.

Han Xinnuo quickly closed the door after entering the small apartment.

"What's going on here? Can I go in? How are those novels written?"

Han Xinuo scratched his head thinking to himself, "I want to go in, I want to go in!"

Sure enough, this surprise should not come too fast, after Han Yinuo felt a strong dizziness.

She really entered this emerald little house
This house is really made of the best emerald.

But the inside is really like the room where people live.

There are 4 rooms here, two of which are like bedrooms, with beds, dressers, and even a few small stools.

And naturally these are all made of emerald.

And one of the large, empty rooms was surrounded by several emerald chairs and tables.

This is more like the feeling of the living room of ordinary people.

And the last day turned out to be convenient for people to take a bath, so don't look too modern in this posture.

But it's a pity, Han Junnuo looked at it, and there was actually a water storage device here.

(End of this chapter)

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