Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 105 Selling Dimensional Rings and Mutant Dogs

Chapter 105 Selling Dimensional Rings and Mutant Dogs
"Forget it, since that stinky girl Han Zhennuo doesn't want to be with us, then forget it!

We two work hard, can't we still support the three of us? "

Han Daguo sighed, it was better for his daughter to be by the side of a powerful supernatural being than to be by his side.

"Yeah!" Han Handong now extremely hopes that his sister can live a particularly good life. At least in that way, he can share the responsibility of supporting his parents.

Not to mention anything else, even the two steamed buns and one bowl of porridge every day are very enviable.

Sometimes even if they earn less from missions, the family will not starve to death if they share what they eat.

And if my elder sister, a water-type supernatural being, really lives with my family, she might be targeted and taken away by someone with malicious intentions.

"My God? Why are there so many people!"

Han Xiaochen couldn't help but be speechless when he saw so many people.

But this time their team was led by Ye Junzhi, and a team called Ye Feng was registered at the base
But this time, not many of them participated, but they were all with particularly powerful abilities.

But he didn't bring a large number of weaker brothers with him, so he could only be counted as a small team.

Immediately afterwards, a very dignified and serious-looking officer came and began to call the squads.

But even so, there are still some people who have been asking where they are going to perform tasks without knowing what is going on.

"The location of this mission is the most important industrial area in the imperial capital, and everyone knows that the industrial area has the most workers there.

Especially the factories are relatively concentrated, in order to better protect everyone's personal safety, the military department specially added a lot of manpower..."

And after this person finished speaking, it was probably after these soldiers ordered all the teams with different abilities.

Another year-old soldier with a very dignified appearance appeared, and his loud voice resounded throughout the square.

Han Xiaochen guessed whether this person's voice had also been strengthened.

Otherwise, there is no microphone, so why is the voice so clear.

"Hi everyone, I'm your commander this time, a double-element supernatural user of Thunder and Ice.

The task this time is to go to the industrial area to collect supplies and rescue the people there.

Of course, the main targets are food and some daily necessities, as well as the stocks in the warehouses of those factories.

Everyone has also felt that the weather is getting colder and colder. Our main purpose this time is to get a lot of cotton clothing from those garment processing factories and...

After arriving at the mission location, we will arrange group operations. Please cooperate with our work and obey our arrangements.

However, given the degree of danger of this task, you will not be separated from your original groups.

Now if you have any questions, feel free to ask!If there is no doubt, we set off. "

This time, under Ye Junzhi's strong request, everyone sat in a large military truck that looked very sturdy

Even most of the front and rear vehicles are their own people, and of course there will be soldiers sitting here in every car.

It is said that these soldiers are also very powerful supernatural beings, and they are also very skilled before the end of the world.

It's worth mentioning that Zhao Ye also brought a few capable subordinates to participate, and this time he joined Ye Feng's team in name
In the car, Han Xiaochen and Han Zhennuo leaned together and closed their eyes to rest.

As for Mo Shen, who doted on him so much, he also sat on Han Yinuo's figure, and he was the closest woman to protect him.

Naturally, these few outstanding men who were powerful and whom they had known before also gathered together.

"Mo Shen, you're a quick striker, so I got him to live with you."

Zhao Ye looked at Mo Shen with some displeasure
"Zhaoye, what are you talking about? I'm worried that the little girl will have an accident." Mo Shen twitched the corner of his mouth lightly.

And Mo Kaixin still stood by Han Xiaochen's side as a guardian, basically not saying a word.

The same is true of Ye Junzhi, even if he throws out his personal feelings, this space power user cannot afford to lose.

"Zhao Ye, there's a base in the south, and it's already selling that space ring? Have you heard the news?"

Ye Junzhi talked about a piece of news he had just received.

"You should ask Mo Kaixin about this! I don't know very well, but it is said that the largest takeaway is only 5 cubic meters.

And at that price, it takes 80 catties of grain to exchange for a 5 cubic meter space ring! "Zhao Ye clicked his tongue twice.
"The news I got is similar to yours, one space ring, the smallest is 0.1 cubic meters.

But that's not cheap, that's it, it also needs 1 catties of grain or 10 primary crystal nuclei. "

Mo Kaixin, who was resting with his eyes closed, moved his thin lips and said, but his eyes never opened.

At this price, there is still no price in the market. This space ring was snatched as soon as it came out!
And this space ring was naturally researched by Mo Yan, because of this technology, the Chenxi base has become more and more powerful.

"At that time, we must find a way to get a space ring at all costs."

Zhao Ye nodded but looked at Han Xiaochen and Mo Kaixin with that rather meaningful eyes

Looking at this posture, Mo Shen and Ye Junzhi looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

And Chutian always cherishes words like gold, has no interest in small talk, and has been closing his eyes to rest his mind.

Dozens of well-equipped military vehicles entered the main road while speaking.

However, the road here is very difficult to walk, and abandoned cars can be seen everywhere on the road.

Even though the base has been cleared several times, how many people are fleeing for their lives?

The city under the gray sky is full of flying paper scraps, drinking all kinds of rancid smell, full of black despair.

The prosperous scene of the past has been completely replaced by chaos and blood, and it has become devastated.

And naturally, someone will find a way to clean these cars.

But as long as it doesn't affect the movement of large troops, basically no one will care.

Just like last time, hot weapons are still opening the way.

Basically, the ordinary zombies are now wiped out by this weapon.

But suddenly, the thermal weapon didn't work very well.

A group of vicious mutant dogs the size of calves rushed in the middle of the road.

"Attention everyone, a mutant dog has appeared. This mutant dog is like armor, and ordinary bullets can't penetrate it?
And their weak points are eyes and belly. "

Immediately there was a loud voice, and the special communication device that was worn on everyone's ears, which looked like a Bluetooth headset, rang.

For a while, all kinds of abilities flew together, and it is true that the large army has a large number of people, and there is no one with weak abilities this time.

And to deal with this kind of mutated dog, it is best to send a thunder ball over, and the mutated dog will be burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

"Be careful, don't underestimate the enemy." Ye Junzhi immediately recovered.

"Han Zhennuo, you should find a way to sprinkle water on this mutated dog, but be careful!"

These mutated dogs can be regarded as a large force, almost hundreds of them.

Fortunately, everyone was wearing protective clothing. Before that, Han Xiaochen had already put on the protective clothing bought in that store for Han Zhennuo.

You said that you have a fast reaction speed, but can you outrun these mutant dogs?

Look at their wide mouths showing sharp teeth. The most frightening thing is that even bullets can't penetrate the heads of these mutant dogs.

Han Xiaochen saw that these mutated dogs didn't even break their skins, but instead aroused their anger, and the dogs slammed their heads into the car.

It wobbled this well-protected military vehicle.

Han Zhennuo was actually a little scared, but he was still trembling, and tried to sprinkle water on the mutant dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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