Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 110 It's Normal for Mo Yan to Be Dumped

Chapter 110 It's Normal for Mo Yan to Be Dumped

"Nonuo, I think you should understand my feelings, right? I think you also like me quite a lot.

That being the case, why should the two of us see each other so far? "

Mo Shen had a headache. The woman he loved was by his side, but he couldn't eat it.

"Mo Shen, go back! This has nothing to do with being rude to foreigners, it's a matter of principle.

Also, there is always a voice in my head telling me that if I want to talk to this man or that, it will affect my cultivation of supernatural powers.

At least not when the ability has not reached level 6.

Even after I was injured and healed, the voice kept circling in my head.

I think this must be a warning from God. "

After Han Junnuo said this, he covered his face, maybe he misunderstood Mo Shen? ?
But didn't he really mean that?

Should be right?
"Mo Shen, if I'm going to say something wrong, don't get me wrong! Actually, I know you probably didn't mean it that way.

Stop talking, stop talking, I feel that the more I talk, the more chaotic you are, so you should hurry back and rest, right? "

After saying this, Han Zhennuo drove Mo Shen out, she really felt that she was ashamed to face others.

Mo Shen also took advantage of the opportunity to go out, who the hell is this?Play tricks behind your back.

Where is the instruction from heaven?Could it be that this healing power user is still a particularly powerful spiritual power user.

Where did I offend them? If I wanted to cheat myself like this, I would also give psychological hints to my woman.

If this is found out by myself...

Mo Shen gritted his teeth
Anyway, no matter what?Mo Shen was about to die of anger.

"Mo Shen? Why did someone blow you out again?"

Zhao Ye whistled, and gloated at Mo Shen
"Zhaoye, isn't it because you are so useless, and now you haven't found out who rescued Han Xinuo at that time?"

Mo Shen glared at Zhao Ye fiercely, feeling quite out of breath.

"What? Did the person who treated Han Zhennuo lay a hook here?" Zhao Ye narrowed his eyes dangerously
"Basically, there is nothing wrong with Han Qinnuo himself, but somehow he gave her a psychological hint.

The most ridiculous?What did you say that Han Xinuo couldn't cling to men? If he clings to men, the cultivation of this ability will be much slower?

But the most important thing is that the silly girl Han Xinnuo actually believed it, and thought it was an instruction from the heavens, what the fuck..."

Mo Shen gritted his teeth angrily

"Hahaha" Zhao Ye laughed wantonly.


"Zhaoye, you bastard, try laughing at me again, be careful that I will destroy you!" Mo Shen gritted his teeth.

"Haha! Sorry buddy, I didn't mean to laugh at you, I can't help it!

But maybe there might be some truth to that?

It is said that it is the group of people who practice ancient martial arts. If this woman does not break her body, it seems that she will get twice the result with half the effort.

But it's hard to say about the supernatural power! "Zhao Ye clicked his tongue

"But now, apart from the group of very young children, at the age of seventeen or eighteen, there are very few homosexuals, right?
It is not easy for us to verify this matter! "

"Zhao Ye, get the hell out of here, don't you gloat here?
I'm always by my side, how about yours?Are you still in city a?

But you should think about it, people definitely disagree with this before the end of the world, and now it is the end of the world.

There aren't that many people talking about those ethical principles, right?

But you are too far away, otherwise I think Tan Hao..."

Mo Shen stopped before he finished speaking, but looked at Zhao Ye meaningfully.
"Mo Shen, I think you are also itchy, why don't we have a good fight!
Also, if you ruin my reputation again, be careful to turn your face, buddy! "

It's true that Mo Shen is stronger than himself, but if he really tries his best, he may not necessarily lose, right?

Anyway, whenever someone mentions Tan Hao Ke Lai, Zhao Ye is like a cat that has stepped on its tail.

"That's right, Zhao Ye didn't see that I'm still the wounded?
I'm very tired now, I'm going to rest, I don't have time to chat with you! "

Mo Shen waved his hand and went back to his bedroom, teasing Zhao Ye like this made him feel less depressed than before.

Haha, it really is a dead way and an immortal poor way.


Zhang Yueying took a nap in the bath and wrapped herself in a bathrobe.

Washed himself up again, after a delicious meal.

She tidied herself up before going out, and she came in from the bedroom, but she just glanced through the space to look at the bedroom, and she went out when no one was there.

But when I got to the bedroom, I felt something was wrong, why is it so clean.

Han Xiaochen shuddered fiercely at the thought of some kind of possibility, and someone came in while he was not around.

Fuck! !mud! !horse
This is the rhythm of someone forcing himself to kill.

But if you take a look with this real eye, you will be wilted.

How did this big devil, Mo Yan, come here?Sitting in his living room so carelessly, sipping red wine leisurely.

"Chenchen? Woke up? Did you sleep well? Come out and sit for a while!"

Mo Yan raised his eyebrows, as if he was not surprised that Han Xiaochen suddenly appeared in the bedroom out of thin air.

Han Xiaochen...

I feel like I'm about to be confused by anger, but I feel scared and inexplicable in my heart, and I want to scream and run away.

But still bit the bullet and came out of the living room.

What does this guy Mo Yan mean?As soon as he appeared in the bedroom, he sensed it.

Could it be that the base went out to search for supplies, the kind of probing ability specially brought with it?Or is there a change in vision?

But it's not right, this power is cheap, but it can see far, but it can't have the function of perspective.

"Mo Yan, do you know what you call breaking into a private house now?
Be careful, I will report to the base to arrest you, but you can, why did you awaken your clairvoyance? "

Han Xiaochen feels that even if he loses, he can't lose, at least he must overwhelm Mo Yan in terms of momentum

Mo Yan...

"Hehe, my Chenchen is smart, otherwise, how do you know that I have awakened my clairvoyance?"

Mo Yan sneered meaningfully, but looked very good-natured.

Han Xiaochen...

I'll go to your clairvoyant eyes...

She looked at it with real words, except that she felt that Mo Yan was wearing a space ring of about 1000 square meters.

Apart from having the lightning ability, I don't feel any difference.

That's right, there are many crystal nuclei and many precious materials in the space ring!
But Mo Yan could give himself a small space storage device before, so it's not surprising that he has a big one in his hand now.

"Mo Yan, why are you here with me? My lord has a lot to forgive your presumptuous behavior this time, but please go out now.

I don't want to get the bad name of seducing other people's husbands, but this lady is young and beautiful now, with powerful abilities, what kind of man do you want?
I don't want to drip any muddy water! "

Han Xiaochen gave Mo Yan a hard look, and put on an awesome look

However, Mo Yan calmly held the red wine glass in his hand, sniffed lightly, then raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and glanced at Han Xiaochen who was opposite.

"How can I have a wife? That woman left long ago!"

"Oh!" Han Xiaochenhao nodded unsurprisingly.

"So you were dumped by someone? It's normal. It's normal for you to be dumped like this every day?

But you can't come and trouble me just because you got dumped by a woman, can you? "

Mo Yan...

(End of this chapter)

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