Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 135 The Untimely Aunt

Chapter 135 The Untimely Aunt
"Han Xiaochen, you two have too much space, right? Why do you always feel weird?
Could it be that there is a great secret somewhere? "

Li Youruo, who had pretended to be a transparent person for a long time, covered her mouth meaningfully and sneered, thinking that she was cute and naive like this.

In fact, with her clumsy acting skills, she can't play the green tea bitch well.

"The reason why I put too many crystal nuclei in this space is long, and the news that Han Xinuo had an accident at that time and the space soared due to a blessing in disguise, don't you know?

But I'm curious, Li Youruo, why does our spatial ability have those extension abilities, but you don't have any?

Are you just saving your ability in front of your teammates, and you don't want to make a shot at all, worrying that you will be tired? "

Han Xiaochen is not willing to spoil Li Youruo!If you speak so bluntly, Li Youruo will be pissed off.
"Okay, okay, let's go back and talk about something, Li Youruo, you should also control it, don't talk nonsense."

Ye Junzhi became a peacemaker. Li Youruo has a secret in this woman, and everyone knows it.

But even if he can't research it now, he still needs Li Youruo now.

What's more, he is still very weak due to his injury, and he really can't let everyone do these useless wrangling here.

"Okay, don't talk about it, hurry up and retreat, when it gets dark, the road will be even more dangerous.
In this way, these two girls will still ride with us in the original car.

There are many people in your team, and neither of them is very familiar.

As you all know, people with space abilities have always been more sensitive. "

Mo Yan made the final decision, and naturally Han Xiaochen felt that he was more willing to trust Mo Yan and Ye Junzhi than the members of this team.
Most importantly, Ye Junzhi let her down once again.

Even if Li Youruo does have a magical place that makes him worth using, at least on the surface of a team, you have to get a bowl of water.

What's more, I and Han Xinnuo still asked them to invite them over, and brought someone to rescue them when they were in crisis.

"Okay, let's get in the car quickly! But brother Mo, and the two brothers he brought with him, are really amazing!"

Han Xinnuo hurriedly pulled Han Xiaochen to go back.

But at this moment, Han Xiaochen's stomach hurts, and even the faint smell of blood, due to the relationship of the supernatural person, can smell quite clearly.

"Let's go, let's go!" Han Xiaochen turned pale

"Chenchen, don't be afraid, get in the car quickly, I will be there by then!" Mo Yan comforted
Ye Junzhi was actually a little dissatisfied, Mo Yan didn't talk much, so he took two men with him, but...

Forget it
"Oh my God, I really don't understand, she still came out when it's her aunt's day, does this mean that we should all be besieged by zombies?

But you put these grains in your space! "Li Youruo is not satisfied now.
"Since you don't like it, you can stay away from us. Your car can also be very far away from us. You can even change the route."

Han Xinuo's expression immediately sank, Li Youruo was simply too annoying a woman.

"Han Xiaochen, shall I sit with you too? Li Youruo, a damn woman, hates her fussing and making troubles to death. I can't wait to throw her into the crowd of zombies!
Besides, isn't she a woman?Really, it's disgusting enough. "

Yu Momo's mouth has always been very poisonous

"Hurry up, let's go!" Another team member began to urge

"Oh! I really don't understand why they ignored it, and there are troublesome creatures like women.

To even allow such a precious ability as space to fall on such a troublesome creature as a woman. "

There are so-called perverted men who hate women in every team.

Especially now that this person has a sharp nose, what they say is even more ugly.

"Xiao Liu, what did you say?

What happened to the woman?There are no other girls, can we get this house back?
How about everyone, you see that this made Han Zhennuo and Han Xiaochen separate, after all, there is so much food in case..."

Ye Junzhi's right-hand man, Ye Yi, seemed to think about it before speaking.

"I don't want it. I don't want to be separated from Han Xiaochen. If you are really worried, let us leave the food for you!"

The temper of Han Xinnuo, an honest man, immediately flared up

Na Moyi's face turned green and white when Han Qiannuo directly scolded him like this.

But Han Xinnuo's spatial ability is too precious, plus there is a strong protector by his side...

"Besides, I don't worry if there is a woman like Li Youruo in your team, I'm worried, if I'm accidentally kicked into the group of zombies by that one.

Han Xiaochen, if I call this team to collect supplies in the future, I will not come again.

At least I won't come if there is a woman like Li Youruo. "

Han Xinnuo was not satisfied with Mo Yi so she kept silent, and continued to yell in dissatisfaction
"Han Xinnuo, don't worry, with me, I absolutely can't let you be with the people in that team."

Mo Shen's face is also very ugly, Ye Junzhi's heart is too strong.

How can this team be led by a woman...

If he had said that, he would have firmly controlled that woman, Li Youruo, and he must not distract everyone in the team because of her.

"Li Youruo, what are you talking about? If you say this again, then my team won't be able to tolerate you.

Han Xinuo, Han Xiaochen, where you want to sit is your freedom, and I also believe that Mo Shen and Mo Yan's ability to protect you is completely fine. "

Ye Junzhi is not stupid, in this situation, how can I find a space ability with a large space.

If these two people were picked, they would not be able to get any of these grains back.

"Ye Junzhi, I found some Yunnan Baiyao and anti-inflammatory drugs, you use some first, and see if your team members use some.

But these are all carried out in the car, and it will be even more dangerous at night. "

Han Xiaochen was still the Holy Mother, and gave all the prepared medicines to Ye Junzhi

"Han Xiaochen, thank you so much.

In this way, I also decide, we will share half of the materials collected this time with you.

If you hadn't come here, I'm afraid we would have to stay here and never come back. "

Ye Junzhi was also very generous, but this time, under his strong pressure, no one in the team disagreed.

Li Youruo still wanted to take the lead, but he didn't want to. So many people risked their lives and even bought such a large amount of food from their teammates. It was so much cheaper, and it was given to the two women.

But then I thought about how many people there were in the team, and no one dared to speak up. I didn't have any attack power at all, and I was afraid of being thrown away by this group of people.

The most important thing is that Li Youruo also knew that if these capable people didn't come to pick them up, they wouldn't know what would happen on the way if they wanted to kill them back.

But Mo Yan also turned his head to Yu Momo who was about to get into their car.
"Miss Yu, this car is full, if you need to add more people, it will be inconvenient to fight at that time.

What's more, in Han Xiaochen's current situation, we are also at our wits end, no matter how much we can protect one more woman...


Yu Momo...

"Ha! If that's the case, then I'll go back!"

Yu Momo is a very straightforward woman, even if she is rejected by Mo Yan, she doesn't care at all.

But at this time, Ye Junzhi and his team were relatively honest.

But just as Han Xiaochen and the others got into the car, someone outside actually wanted to make a fuss again.

(End of this chapter)

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