Chapter 152 Human Cub
It turned out that it was my neighbor Li Na and their woman named Xiao Ye, who had always been supernatural but very powerful.

And it seems that they are accompanied by a girl who doesn't seem to be very talkative.

But I have never been in contact with it, and I am not familiar with it.

Han Xiaochen saw that Li Na's fiery red mink fur coat that reached to her feet was paired with a pair of brown boots with lamb's wool lining, which really showed her noble temperament!
"Han Xiaochen, it's a coincidence to go shopping with your friend!"

As soon as Li Na raised her eyes, she met Han Xiaochen and the other three girls.

What a coincidence, wasn't the little girl next to Han Xiaochen the one who happened to be rescued by him at that time?
But it seems that this little girl's skills are growing quite fast.

"Li Na, I haven't seen you for a long time, where did you go to collect good things?"

Han Xiaochen was also quite surprised to meet Li Na and her friends here

"Recently, the place I went out is quite far away. There is no way. Most of the supplies in this relatively nearby place have been searched by the base." Li Na smiled gently.

"Are those two your friends? It seems that both of them are supernatural beings?"

"Yes, this is my friend Han Xinnuo, and this is Yu Momo.

Both of them are great!By the way, just like you, my friend Han Xinnuo is also a water-type power user! "

For some reason, Han Xiaochen wanted to get closer to Li Na.

"Really? What a coincidence! Han Chunnuo, your name is very elegant and pleasant!"

Li Na smiled meaningfully at Han Zhennuo, the strawberry print on this little girl's neck is dazzling enough.

I don't know how long this little girl can last!

"Hee hee, Li Na, your name sounds very kind to me, I remember that my junior high school deskmate's name is Li Na!

But we are both water-type supernatural beings, so we can share our cultivation experience at that time!
By the way, I will give you my contact information, what is your number, and I will call you. "

Han Yinuo immediately took out his mobile phone which was used as a communicator.

Li Na was slightly taken aback, but also told Han Zhennuo her communication number
"Han Xinnuo, but I often practice and go out on missions, you may not be able to find me, but let's communicate when we have time.

By the way, Han Xiaochen, I don't seem to have your number yet, let me know by the way! "

Li Na mainly thought that she and that Han Xiaochen would run into each other occasionally, so why not keep both numbers.

"Okay, I'll tell you my number is **" Han Xiaochen is naturally willing to contact Li Na
"Hey! Li Na, I just saw you changed a lot of red wine!

You are too kind, are you worried that the old man will be hungry? "Han Xiaochen saw Li Na changing the red wine just now with sharp eyes.

"That's not true, my husband and I both like to drink red wine, besides, the old man's red wine is of very good quality.

At best, for all of us, it can be regarded as mutual benefit.

what about you?What are you choosing? "

"We just went out for a stroll when we were bored, and changed into some beautiful jewelry, so let's look at the clothes again.

However, I wanted to exchange more crystal nuclei, but only after I came out did I find that there are very few people who are willing to exchange crystal nuclei outside! "

Han Xiaochen shrugged, and began to pull the clothes again.

Although these clothes are very beautiful, they do not keep out the cold, and they taste a bit tasteless

"Hey, what are you buying these clothes for? You can't wear them when you go out on missions. If you wear them at home, it's still very cold. What's the use!" Xiao Ye said.
"Hee hee, aren't we bored and go shopping, girls are always most interested in beautiful clothes and shoes."

Han Xiaochen scratched his head in embarrassment, and he didn't lack these clothes, there were plenty of them in the space.

Seeing this beautiful one, I still can't help but want to see it.

"You really want to buy beautiful clothes. Like Nana, you should also buy some mink fur. It's good to keep out the cold!"

Xiao Ye looked at these, and the human cubs couldn't help being happy.

The three little girls in front of me are not simple!Two of them are so lucky that they are against the sky, which one is quite good!
"Nana, are you shopping again?" Now that he was talking, another woman in her 20s came over with a round face.

"Wenwen is here to accompany your grandma to sell water again, no, I'm here to sell ice."

Li Na smiled.

"Yes, yes! The weather is so cold now, the water is not very easy to sell.

The key point is that people still dislike it, so they have to go back and get rid of it.

But there is no way, my grandma used to save water, if it was sold now, there would be so much water. "

Wen Wen pouted, "Nana, you have so many friends around you, are they all supernatural beings?

It's really amazing, you are surrounded by amazing people. "

Wenwen is just a power mutation, and now she is especially envious of these supernatural beings!

"Ah! It's about the same!" Li Na was a little embarrassed. Although she could see it, she couldn't just spread the word without being introduced.

"What is your name Li Wenwen? I know you. Once you helped our team carry things!" Yu Momo recognized Li Wenwen with sharp eyes.
"Are you Sister Mo Mo? Why are you covering up so tightly today? I almost didn't recognize you!
But in the past two days, I heard that you and I have not gone on missions yet. Has your captain recovered from his injury? "

"It's not bad. Our captain found someone with a healing ability to treat it. It is estimated that we will be able to complete the mission in a few days."

Yu Momo smiled, Li Wenwen, this little girl has a bit of a temper, but she is quite innocent and has no evil intentions.

"I didn't expect that almost all of you would know each other. It will be a mission when the time comes, and everyone will take care of it.

So now I'm fine anyway, let me invite you to dinner, let's have a good chat! "

Li Na watched a group of young girls chattering together, and remembered many happy things in the past.

"Okay, okay! Then let my grandma sell water there by herself! Anyway, I won't be needed."

Li Wenwen was even more excited,
"Li Wenwen, it's not good for you to leave your grandma here to have dinner with us?"

Yu Momo gritted his teeth, Li Wenwen seemed a little too heartless.

You didn't look at that Li Na's face is not very good-looking
"It's okay, it's okay, my grandma won't argue with me!" Li Wenwen was still so heartless.

"Okay, okay, let's go, I remember that there is a small restaurant that cooks clean dishes!"

Li Na, in fact, this is considered a big deal, but well, teaching these supernatural beings will be useful in the future.

A few people came after talking, and arrived at a small restaurant that looked clean.

What about Li Na!I ordered a bowl of pickled vegetable shredded pork noodles for everyone. It is said that the shredded pork is the meat of the newly replenished primary mutant rabbit.

The meat of this primary mutant rabbit is not very delicious, and it doesn't have much energy, but it is cheap and can satisfy people's cravings.

"Nana, thank you, I haven't eaten out for a long time.

Those two friends may not know that I am still a wood-type power user, so let me give you some delicious food! "

As Han Xiaochen said this, he brought a seed of the holy maiden fruit to everyone and slowly gave birth to a lot of little holy maiden fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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