Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 159: New Space Functions

Chapter 159: New Space Functions

After all, the performance of each person's space is different. In addition, people who have this kind of magical ability to allow their bodies to enter the space are really rare. Generally, you have no way or opportunity to study the specific situation.

Mo Yan felt powerless for the first time, so what if he is as strong as him?
It may not be able to control everything, just like the little accident that happened just now.

He couldn't even hold his woman in his hands in an instant, preventing her from being hurt in the slightest.

Han Xiaochen is not feeling well now, and she suddenly realizes that she is a little afraid of heights.

The main reason is that the bird flew too high, and the worst thing is that I am in pain from being caught by the bird, and even my neck seems to be slightly injured, anyway, it hurts slightly
But what should I do now?Is this bird really mature now?
She sees that there is nothing she can do now, so she suddenly has an idea, so why don't she try?

With a flash of her mind, she entered the space with the bird, and even went there directly through the space door.

And the moment it entered the space and the space, the bird was dead and couldn't die anymore.

But this bird is too big, Han Xiaochen felt that if it was bigger, it might not be able to drag it in.

The most important thing is that Han Xiaochen ran to that interface reflexively.

It even dragged the mutant bird's body to that interface.

I don't even know why I got hurt by it, it's bleeding!

Han Xiaochen's face darkened, and he threw the mutated bird body back into the space in an instant.

There is no way, this mutated bird is too big, it even dripped blood on my bedroom and bed
Han Xiaochen quickly rolled up the blood-stained sheets and quilts, threw them into the space, and then found a clean mop to squat down here.

The bird also shed a lot of blood, so busy, she actually worked for half an hour to fix it. Of course, the main thing was that she was worried that the smell of blood in the room was too strong. If someone smelled it, it would be a problem. big.

Han Xiaochen checked it carefully, and found that there was no problem, and then returned to the space.


A message suddenly appeared in Han Xiaochen's head,
Said that he accidentally touched a hidden function of this space.

That is, no matter what species I come into contact with, it can be brought to that interface through this space through the crushing of the two worlds.

But nature only belongs to the interface of the last days, and bringing it into this world in the peaceful age is still the same as before.

Han Xiaochen was stunned, meaning that when he was in danger, even if the object was bigger than the house in his own space.

I can also be dragged there by means of space crushing, and completely harmonize it?

It was at this moment that Han Xiaochen remembered that there seemed to be some restrictions when he first got the space.

It's true that this person can't be in a hurry, he will get dizzy when he encounters a crisis.

Fortunately, the result was good. Thinking of these things, Han Xiaochen broke out in a cold sweat all over his back.

Han Xiaochen now wants to test it a few more times, but the crisis is not the time to test this.

Not to mention that kind of scary thing, especially the big one.

I have to touch them before I can kill them through the function of this space.

Could it be that the moment I met them, they had already been wiped out and eaten by them!

Don't think about this now, when researching these, Han Xiaochen patted his head

Still think about how to go back?
I entered the space at a high altitude at the beginning, which means that when I go back, I have to go back from a high altitude.

But so high, how should I go back?

Han Xiaochen patted himself on the head, he has a parachute here.

Although this was only bought from a certain treasure, the effect and quality may not be very good, but with my own skills and the physical strength of the supernatural being, it should be no problem.

Han Xiaochen took the parachute by himself and came down slowly

Mo Yan watched as Han Xiaochen finally appeared out of thin air, and walked down with another obviously poor-quality and ugly parachute.

He raised his eyebrows but in fact broke out in a cold sweat for her.

But now is not the time to be anxious, he concentrates.

They knocked down the flying creatures that Han Xiaochen attacked in the sky.

"My god, I'm coming down."

Sure enough, Han Xiaochen's gorgeous parachute broke when he was three meters away.

Mo Yan had no choice but to make a cushion for Han Xiaochen to hug her, and they both fell to the ground.

"Heh! Will Han Xiaochen dare to be so careless after seeing you?"

Mo Yan sneered, Han Xiaochen is fine now, shouldn't he teach her well?
"Where did I expect it to be so low! But it really scared me to death, this bird doesn't seem to be particularly powerful!"

Although Han Xiaochen was a bit stubborn, he still patted his chest in fear.

You can't be careless in the future, otherwise it will really kill you.

"Mo Yan, do you think the corpse of this mutated bird is useful?"

"Isn't that nonsense? This mutated bird has reached the third level, and the meat is edible. You are digging to see if there are any crystal nuclei on it.

Even his feathers are good things! "

Mo Yan glanced helplessly at Han Xiaochen, who was ashamed to get rich just after the danger disappeared.
"If there is room in your space, look at the crystal nuclei under these scorched mutated plants.

If you are of wood type, most of them can be used.

Moreover, the rhizomes of the mutated plants would be worth some money if they were brought to the base. "

"Yes, is that so?" Han Xiaochen immediately revived with full blood, and provoked Tang Dao.

Even digging and dragging the crystal nucleus, as well as rhizomes and the like, as long as they can be stored in the space, they will all be thrown in. Anyway, there is an endless warehouse in my own space.

Mo Yan raised his eyebrows just like that, watching Han Xiaochen work here with leisure.

I don't think there's anything wrong with being a big man leisurely watching the excitement.

Han Xiaochen didn't have any complaints about Mo Yan's refusal to help.

Ever since she knew Mo Yan, Mo Yan had a serious obsession with cleanliness.

Those who don't do anything at all, and there are many servants in the family, and they are all in charge of the work that should be done.

If it wasn't for Mo Yan's serious cleanliness and privacy, the servant could even help him put on his clothes.

Back then, people were able to make money, and they could live like this if they had money in their hands. What about now?
His ability is also amazing, he can even build his own base, and he can even go to the imperial capital thousands of miles away to pester him.

Why!This person is born unequal, if he feels uncomfortable because of this kind of thing, he might as well die!

"Xiaochen, people are here! There is also a large group of humans."

Han Xiaochen was working furiously when he suddenly heard Mo Yan's leisurely voice.

"Huh?" Han Xiaochen raised his head and blinked.

The distance that my real eyes can see is limited, at least I haven't found any human beings coming.

Yes, now this person has just become a species in this world, and he can also be called a human being.

How did Mo Yan find out?Forget it.

"I'm almost done pretending, I can't be cheap, those people are not!"

As Han Xiaochen said this, he was still greedy and put a few things that seemed to be quite valuable into the space.

Seeing that this person didn't come over, as long as it can be pretended, it should be thrown into the space as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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