Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 161 The Huge Mutant Tiger

Chapter 161 The Huge Mutant Tiger
To put it bluntly, Shangguan Yao also established a small stronghold by himself, but the number of people is not too many, but all of them are elites who can fight well, and all of them are his people.

He didn't absorb ordinary people and ordinary people, and he didn't even absorb ordinary supernatural beings who he didn't like.

I have to say that Shangguan Yao is also a madman and a ruthless man!And of course he has the ability
But because the number of his team is not very large, he just gave himself the name of a mercenary group.

"That's how it is. With your strength, Shangguan, if you take root in a mere base, it's really a shame!"

Mo Yan smiled knowingly.
It seems that Shangguan Yao also has the idea of ​​building his own base!

"Brother Mo, you are too much of a prize, brother Mo, you are also a ruthless person, our large team came to eliminate it, at this time, I didn't expect that it would be easily eliminated by the two of you.

But now there is no big danger, if you don't mind, let's experience it here! "

Shangguan Yaoxin said that since he is here, he must explore and explore well this time, so as to save this bunch of people from coming out without getting any benefits.

"Hehe! That's exactly what I mean!" Mo Yan nodded

But the biggest threat here, the piranha, was wiped out by Mo Yan.

And the rest of you are just like practicing hands?
Although there are not many crystal nuclei obtained by beating this mutated animal and plant, it is better that there is no danger now, and it has really become a real exercise for everyone to exercise.

Shangguan Yao was still a person, and he didn't take advantage of the large number of people to snatch the crystal nuclei and other useful things that Mo Yan and the others had found.

It's just a little greedy. Han Xiaochen's space seems to be much larger than the space abilities in his team.

"It's not good, everyone pay attention!" Originally, this exercise was like exercising on an outing, but a big crisis suddenly appeared.

Shangguan Yao also felt the seriousness of the situation, "Brother Mo, it seems that a big guy is here!"

Isn't that right, now I can feel the ground shaking around me.

"It's too late for everyone to run for battle!" Mo Yan's expression was never serious, this big guy can run much faster than a car.

"Han Xiaochen, hurry up and hide in your space! No one can tell you this time, you can get out of your body!"

Han Xiaochen naturally felt that big guy coming towards them like the earth was shaking.

But the only thing that makes people feel relieved is that it seems that just a big guy came.

"Mo Yan, there is no way, I can't let you just fold here!

You idiot, you have a base in the south, why don't you stay here, what are you doing here looking for me? "

Han Xiaochen's eye sockets are a little red
"Fool, haven't the big guys in the south been wiped out by us humans every time? It's the same this time!
I'm fine, I'm just worried that I won't be able to take care of you then! "

Mo Yan was about to be annoyed by Han Xiaochen, and he was still acting brave at this time.

"Mo Yan, I didn't actually say that I have another ability, that is, as long as my hand touches any object, I can instantly kill it.

It doesn't matter how big it is, but it's just a little bit dangerous, and you have to touch it. "

Han Xiaochen knew that this was not the time for her to hide her secrets, what's more, she now felt that no matter whether this person was a man or a woman, as long as you showed enough value, this person would be in awe of you.

"Is that so? Then you also remember that when the crisis comes, if you really can't do it, you should quickly hide in it.

Those things may have killed you before you had time to activate them in an instant! "

Mo Yan gritted his teeth, what could Han Xiaochen do?
What's more, there are many places where you can encounter danger in the future, and it is impossible for your own woman to hide in the space all the time.

And at this moment, the ground shook even more, as if it was more terrifying than an earthquake.

Even the surrounding land collapsed a lot.

Shangguan Yao has ordered people to take out all the heavy weapons,

"Shangguan, don't be impatient, I think your heavy weapon may not be able to deal with this big guy, but it will annoy it and make it even crazier!"

That big guy is still far away from here, and everyone has already seen that it is a big tiger.

Originally, this tiger was big enough, but now this tiger is dozens of times bigger than ordinary tigers, like a small mountain.

Moreover, the tiger's skin and flesh were originally not easy to pierce, but this time it looked like a copper wall and an iron wall.

Apparently this mutated tiger was actually of the gold type, Han Xiaochen felt stunned by carrying a mutated tiger on his back.

What made him even more dizzy was that today he had a grudge against the mutated animals of the gold system, didn't he?

One or two are all gold

"Everyone, listen to the gate of life of this big guy. You should attack its eyes desperately."

For a while, no matter whether it was a heavy weapon or a supernatural weapon, they all desperately attacked the tiger.

But besides being even crazier, the tiger also shattered the internal organs of several people.

The mutated tiger monster was not damaged at all, and it was still making that earth-shattering sound
Before everyone could slow down, the Mutant Tiger's huge tail, which was as thick as the waist of several adult men, suddenly swung out at everyone.

There was a lot of screaming for a while, and several team members died tragically

"This is a high-level mutant tiger, everyone be careful!"

Mo Yan shouted with a heavy expression, his voice was worn there, otherwise the people around would not be able to hear it

"How could there be a high-level mutant tiger in the suburbs of the imperial capital?

Our luck is really good! "

Shangguan Yao smiled wryly, he always considered himself the strongest of the strong, but at this moment he truly felt that this life was about to stop

The few of them think that they are an elite team among supernatural beings, and I am afraid that the sum of them is not enough for a mutant tiger to fit between their teeth. "

"All! all a! ll! all" the tiger and the coaxing sound continued, with strong anger in the voice
The huge tail swung directly at Mo Yan, who seemed to be the stronger of the group.

Mo Yan was eliminated quickly, but the situation was not good, his throat was hot, and his internal organs were also injured.

That tiger, seeing that it didn't hit this time, immediately waved its tail a few more times. Suddenly, the whole place was filled with smoke and dust, and gravel flew wildly in the mountains.

Wherever there is a gust of wind

Everyone's foreheads were covered with cold sweat. Today is the rhythm of the group's destruction!
This opponent is too strong, you don't even have room to resist, you really didn't read the almanac when you went out today, really bad luck?

All of Mo Yan's nerves were tense, and he didn't dare to be careless at all. Now is not the time to hide his strength, even if he tries his best, he may not be able to retreat completely.

Han Xiaochen originally thought I could protect you all the time, but I didn’t expect you to risk your life this time to try this one-in-a-million hope
Han Xiaochen hopes that your supernatural ability will be useful, and that you can kill the mutant tiger before the mutant tiger can react.
In fact, using his ability to hold this super-large, super-fierce mutated tiger in place is actually a bit procrastinating, and he may even suffer backlash, but he still can't hold this tiger.

After all, he is just an insignificant human being, after all, he is just a psychic supernatural being
Even if this spiritual power is more powerful than other people's derivation ability, but he is only more powerful than the same power!
For the first time, Mo Yan deeply felt his own powerlessness and frustration

(End of this chapter)

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