Chapter 166
And obviously looking at Mo Yan's refreshed look, he knew that his body had fully recovered.

Han Xiaochen, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt that much. If you want to go out to fight, you have to wait for a while."

"That's good!" Mo Yan nodded lightly, as if ignoring the existence of Han Yinuo

That's right, they are absorbing crystal nuclei, so it's not good if you disturb them.

This little girl has a good life, she didn't need someone to assist her to use this crystal nucleus to directly upgrade to level 7, and she has the ability to heal
"I brought you some food, all of which are the meat of water-type and wood-type mutant beasts, and some dishes made of edible mutant plants.

Also, let's see if you can use these crystal nuclei! "

Mo Yan stuffed a small bag of crystal nuclei into Han Xiaochen's hand

"Oh! I see!" Han Xiaochen nodded.

She found it through the bag. The crystal nuclei here are either water-type or wood-type, but there are a few space-type crystal nuclei mixed in.

Han Xiaochen put them into the space with a thought
"Recover well, I won't be with you if I have something to do outside!"

Mo Yan followed the two girls here, and he made people feel uncomfortable staying here, so he left after saying this.

"Well, let's go!"

Han Xiaochen stood up slowly, walked to the toilet, entered the space and came back after a flash of thought.

This speed didn't even last a second, and the pair of crystal nuclei had been purified.

But it's true, she does have the urge to urinate in her stomach now
There are three urgencies in this kind of thing, and no one can avoid it.

After Han Zhennuo absorbed these third-level crystal nuclei, his expression did ease a lot
But I also know that I can't absorb it anymore, and sometimes absorbing too much at one time is not good for the body.

"Han Zhennuo, let's go, we went to eat. That annoying guy Mo Yan brought us a lot of food that is said to be very good!"

"Hmm! Han Xiaochen, let me help you to the restaurant! How about I bring you the food." Han Zhennuo stood up
"I'm not that delicate, I can walk more normally now, and it's no problem with life. Don't treat me as a useless person, okay?"

Han Xiaochen is actually a little weak, but the internal organs don't hurt anymore.

It seems that the injury is really serious this time, the mutant tiger is almost at the ninth level.

Han Xiaochen felt that if he hadn't killed it, maybe this tiger would really become an essence and change into a human form!

Now that guy is still lying on his stomach in his own space!Fortunately, the time in the storage space does not flow, so the mutated tiger meat will not be spoiled.

But when I get better, let people think of a way to divide the tiger to see if it can be sold or something.

Don't say anything else, let's just say that her fur is so real that even shells can't pierce it!

"That's good, but don't try to be brave!
Oh my god, I didn't dare to ask just now, what kind of big guy did you meet, and you got hurt like this!

If you go out in the future, you really have to go out with a big team. Now the living space of our human beings is getting more and more difficult! "

Seeing Han Xiaochen hurt like this, Han Xinuo felt a little repulsed by going out to take up the post.

But there is no way, even if you are rejected, you have to go out, otherwise, would the human beings hide in the base and starve to death?
Even this base may not be completely safe, right?Otherwise, how could there be something about the zombie siege in the novel?

"Forget it, I almost lost my life when I met a mutant tiger.

Fortunately, I suddenly awakened a new ability at that time, otherwise..."

Han Xiaochen's words are half-sentences and half-sentences.

"I'll go...Han Xiaochen feels like you're cheating! But what new abilities have you awakened?"

"I don't know what's going on, it's just like if I touch something, as long as I want to kill it, I can kill that thing in an instant.

But that is also very dangerous, that time is not coming, it is really a critical moment, everyone may be wiped out, I will not risk my life to go. "Han Xiaochen is afraid of talking about it now, and now he is explaining to his friends
"God, you are too powerful, right?

If you meet the Zombie King or something, you'll kill him with just one touch, that's too awesome!

But why does it feel so dangerous?This is the kind of person who is particularly powerful and they respond quickly. Maybe you just touched them, and before you have time to think, they have already...

Forget it, forget it, forget it, this ability is already very powerful!

But with such a powerful ability, wouldn't it be better for you to keep it a secret? "

Han Xinuo patted his chest
"Aren't I on good terms with you? I just told you to someone else, but I didn't intend to announce it!" Han Xiaochen bared his teeth and smiled.

"Hurry up, let's eat quickly, you eat water-type ones and I eat wood-type ones.

In fact, it's just these two things. It shouldn't be a big problem for us to switch food. We just went out this time and got a lot of gold-type mutant bird meat that can still be eaten.

do you want?Why don't you take some back and give it to the gold-type power user in your team to eat.

You, usually, you just don't know how to contact people, otherwise you wouldn't be bullied by that white lotus woman at Mo Shen's place. "

"Huh? Gold type, okay, it seems that I can eat some of this stuff myself, but it will be more troublesome if I finish eating!"

Han Zhennuo wolfed down the food in front of him. He was really hungry because he had consumed too much power.

Even if I supplement some with crystal nuclei, I still feel like I could eat a cow when I am hungry!
"Han Xiaochen, the meat of this mutated beast is still delicious, but I think you eat slowly, maybe you don't eat as much as I do!"

"I'm similar to you, but I'm used to eating politely!"

That's not true, Han Xiaochen was trained by Mo Yan in the past few years to stand and sit, and he had to behave well even when eating.

It seems that the behavior habits of those years have been imprinted in the bones.

"Han Xinnuo, don't worry if you have a big appetite, isn't it all like this now? People with supernatural abilities rely on the energy in food.

Moreover, this water-type mutant beast is actually quite easy to fight, and it is not particularly difficult to eat it. "

When Han Xiaochen thought of the two gold-type mutant beasts he had met, he still felt terrified.

But this is just a gold-type mutant beast, it will definitely be even more difficult to deal with thunder-type and fire-type beasts

"Well, I hope so. Fortunately, there is no shortage of food in our team, and I used to have the habit of hoarding food!"

Han Zhennuo nodded, "Han Xiaochen, I can feel it. My ability has recovered again. It seems that the ability recovers very quickly after it is exhausted!"

"Then you must not do this when you go outside, otherwise, using the power as much as possible will be life-threatening."

Han Xiaochen did not forget to mention her

"Well, I understand." It was almost enough to eat, and Han Yinuo made two glasses of water for him.

"Huh? This water with healing power is both sweet and delicious!" Han Xiaochen raised his eyebrows after taking a sip. It tastes really good.

"If you're like this, you find that guy who comes out of the water, and I'll get you some bad ones!
There are few other things, and there is plenty of water. Let me tell you, I am very powerful now. When I can get water for people, I will separate this healing ability.

But for you, I must increase the maximum healing ability and put it in this water. "

(End of this chapter)

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