Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 171 Different Ages, Different Levels of Thinking

Chapter 171 Different Ages, Different Levels of Thinking

"Didn't I hear you say that some people were injured? Besides, I won't go out now, and I will recover after a while." Han Zhennuo smiled weakly
"Then you remember, you can't do this if you go out, and you can't do it as long as I'm not by your side. It's very dangerous to run out of abilities."

Zhao Ye carefully carried Han Xinuo to the bed

"Zhaoye, I'm so sleepy, I need to sleep for a while!" Han Yinuo closed his eyes.

"Okay, you take this, this is good for your body's recovery!"

Zhao Ye took out a piece of sky blue jade and stuffed it into Han Zhennuo's hand.

She covered him with a quilt very considerately, and even turned up the temperature in the room, so he didn't go out until a few degrees later.

"Zhao Ye, there is a man named Han Shitao in our village, my parents also know him, he is an ordinary person.

He is having a miserable life now. If you want to meet him, can you let him come to our regiment.

There is no need to give him any good treatment. He is doing what an ordinary person should do. It is enough to give him the treatment of an ordinary person and let him have a place to live.

They all live in the same village. If it doesn't affect us, I still want him to live a more stable life. " Zhao Ye had just walked to the door when Han Xinuo said this.

Zhao Ye smiled slightly, "No problem, then let him stay with your parents.

But the ugly thing is that I won't give him a little preferential treatment in front of him. If he doesn't work hard and finds trouble, he will be kicked out anyway. "

Not to mention Han Shitao, an irrelevant boy, Han Xinuo's parents and younger brother are treated exactly the same as ordinary reunions in this group.

"Well, Zhao Ye, I mean the same thing, and I never thought of letting you be taken advantage of."

Han Xinuo yawned and fell asleep. In fact, the best way to recover is to sleep soundly and sweetly.

No matter what, Han Shitao and Han Xiaochen are also half-brothers.

Although Han Xiaochen said he would never admit it, he did not want to recognize those people.

But Han Xinnuo felt that he was helping these people live a little more securely, and he had fulfilled his own wish.
It's just that Han Xinuo's water system has been upgraded to level 7, and he has the ability to heal, Zhao Ye didn't hide it.

Naturally, there are quite a few people who know about it, not to mention Mo Shen who has been staring at Ye here.

When Mo Shen heard the news, he smoked all night without saying a word.


"Li Na? Wenwen, did you hear me right? Why did Monana change her name to Li Na?
This is clearly your aunt's name! "

Grandma Li didn't know what was going on, but when she heard that Monana changed her name to Li Na, she felt very upset
"Grandma's name is just a code name, what does her name have to do with us!

Anyway, she is younger than me, what are you thinking!

We finally came to the night mercenary group, let's do our best and don't cause trouble!
That Mo Shen is not easy to provoke, it seems that Zhao Ye, the leader of our mercenary group, can't afford to provoke Mo Shen! "

Li Wenwen just helped someone carry things back, he was as tired as a dog, and he had to deal with his grandma

"I know, I know, it's just that I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. Is it okay for your father and your mother to do this job? Will it be too tiring!

Especially since your grandfather hasn't done much work for so many years, and now he is exhausted. "

My wife, my wife, no matter how bad you were to her when you were young, this is getting old.

Grandma Li still cares about Grandpa Li very much
"Grandma is fine, do some work and exercise more, and grandma, please let go of your petty thoughts!

We came here just to see Han Xinnuo's face, and they told me at the beginning that they would not give us any preferential treatment, and they would not support idlers in their group. "

After all, he is a young man who sees things clearly. Now Li Wenwen has fully felt that there is no one to support idlers anywhere.
Just like those water-type and wood-type abilities in the team who have no ability and are timid, and don't want to go out of the base to do tasks.

In addition to giving birth to vegetables and releasing water for this mercenary group, they also have to do some extra work in this group, and even sell themselves to soothe those powerful supernatural beings.

"I know, I know, am I not pumping water every day?
That girl Han Xinnuo was also ruthless, she didn't even give her any favors from her biological parents and younger brother.

Isn't Zhao Ye, the leader of our mercenary group, still her man?
Doesn't she have the healing ability and space ability now?What's wrong with being so popular and talking to his parents? "

Sure enough, the age group is different, and the thinking is different.

"Grandma, don't talk nonsense to other people's parents! We don't know the details of their affairs.

Don't implicate our whole family and Han Yinuo's family because of your old mouth. "

In fact, Li Wenwen knew better than his grandmother why Han Xinuo did this?
What's more, so what if your abilities are precious?I have no offensive power, and I always have to hide behind men to protect them.

So what right do you have to speak?To put it bluntly, isn't it just a dodder flower that can be used by others?

"You son of a bitch, grandma just keeps nagging you, how dare I talk nonsense!
I won't talk about other people's family affairs! "Grandma Li gave her granddaughter a hard look.

The night mercenary group is also ruthless enough, every time they completely release this ability, they are still not very satisfied with themselves.

It's as if I came here to play the autumn wind and eat idle food.

But here is indeed the kind of atmosphere, no matter who you know, it doesn't matter, what you pay attention to here is the most direct rule of the jungle society.

However, the weather outside is so harsh, and survival is even more difficult. Here, it is possible to allow the family to eat and not die of cold and hunger.

Grandma Li misses now that Xiao Ye from Li Na's place took care of her meals when she went to her place to clean.

But it's a pity that things are busy at home, so I don't have the time to pass every day!

And now that he joined the Night Mercenary Corps, it is even more impossible to pass.

Sometimes I really have a very bad feeling, as if I just sold myself to the night mercenary group.


Now the hailstorm outside is not falling, but the goose feather snow has been falling all the time.

Many houses with poor construction quality were smashed because of this disaster.

There are a lot of people repairing it now, and the trading market has moved to a hall with an empty field
Fortunately, the weather is cold enough, and you don't have to worry about breaking the wild animals you hunt outside.

And if the injury is not healed, Han Xiaochen can only work as a porter in the two worlds to sell food here

This time she hired two followers to help, Mo Kaixin and Chu Zelong
"Han Xiaochen, you are amazing, where did you find so much frozen meat?
That is to say, it's up to the two of us to be here, otherwise, these people must have robbed the house together with you! "

Chu Zelong said with a playful smile while gnawing on the frozen meat that had been stewed before.

He is acting like a fool now, and he feels like a completely different person from the noble and elegant playboy he used to be.

"Yes, yes, I know you are the best, that's why I want you to be the bodyguard!"

Han Xiaochen grinned, the weather is so bad now, Chu Zelong didn't go out because of a slight injury, and she happened to catch the young man when he went on a mission.

"How do you sell this meat! It looks like pork that has been frozen for several years, right? But you are lucky enough to find such things."

This is not it, a burly man with a beard came over to ask the price

(End of this chapter)

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