Chapter 174
"That's it, how about I give you three level 3 crystal nuclei!
Not to mention adding up according to your standard, these level 5 zombies are very difficult to fight.

If it is less capable, it may be wiped out! "

That peerless beauty still raised her chin proudly.

"Sorry, beauty, it was not easy for us to get these reserve meats, and we paid a very high price.

And I set the price very low, so I really can't give any discount. "

Han Xiaochen was very polite, but she said firmly, she said that the fifth-level crystal nucleus is very important to you, but there is no shortage of aunts.

Aunt and grandma just want to be a saint today, and they want to sell this meat to those people who are struggling to make a living, isn't it okay?

If you want to buy it, you can buy it at the original price. If you don’t want to buy it, forget it. You are so beautiful, and your aunt is not ugly!

Ye Luolin was about to die of anger, his reputation in the team had always been very high, and no one had ever rejected him, but today he was rejected by a little girl.

But the little girl and the two men behind the film are quite interesting, and the supernatural powers are quite powerful.

"Can you be in charge here? Two big brothers, do you think it's hard to beat this level 5 crystal nucleus?"

The beauty Ye Luolin cast a wink at those two, her team is also short of food, and now the reserve meat is not more expensive than the price of food, so it is a good deal to buy meat
"Hehe, didn't our sister say that the price like ours has always been the same, and there is no second price."

Mo Kaixin chuckled, where did he get so dazed, he really thought he was an onion!

My hostess is here to sell the reserve meat to play, otherwise the meat will be directly given to the base, or distributed to the subordinates, and there are still a lot of crystal nuclei.


Seeing that you look pretty good, I didn't expect you to be poor! "

The beauty of Ye Luolin stomped her feet in anger, and reluctantly took out two grade 5 crystal nuclei
"Is it all right?" Ye Luolin said with gritted teeth

Han Xiaochen: Hehe!

"Of course, since we are open for business, as long as the price you give is right, we will naturally sell it."

As soon as Han Xiaochen said this, Chu Zelong had a wink, and immediately put all these things on the woman.

The beauty Ye Luolin gritted her teeth, touched it with her hand, and the pile of meat disappeared, and he also walked back.

"Hehe: This is actually a spatial ability user, so pretty!
I just don't know how big the space is! "

Han Xiaochen raised his eyebrows, but he didn't feel any fluctuations in the beauty.

But, the small black earrings on her body are space products.

The space is not big, only 10 square meters, and the most important thing is that the big beauty doesn't have any other fluctuations of her abilities!

It seems that if this woman dares to be so arrogant, there should be someone behind her or someone protecting her right now.

The reserved meat sold unexpectedly fast today, and Han Xiaochen didn't have much space left, so he simply took it all out.

"Brothers, we've sold out these today, so we won't sell them anymore. Let's take a break too. When we go back like this, I'll show you my skills and make a delicious meal!"

"Okay, you girl has a conscience. I haven't eaten anything good recently. I know you are the best!" Chu Zelong was not polite!

"Han Xiaochen, do you know anything about our military mercenary group?" Zhang Yueying hasn't left yet!
"I'm not familiar with it, but Han Zhennuo is quite familiar with it. At the beginning, Han Zhennuo planned to join the military's mercenary regiment, but after something happened, she followed her boyfriend.

So you go and call her, she should know.

Her phone number has not been changed, do you have a charger now! "

As Han Xiaochen was talking, he suddenly remembered that these low-level supernatural beings might not be able to use the current communicator at all.

Although it looks the same as a mobile phone on the surface, the cost is high!
"Han Xiaochen, thank you, I have a communicator in my hand, so I don't want to disturb you at this late hour, I have to go too.

My big family is still waiting to eat! "

Zhang Yueying smiled firmly at Han Xiaochen and walked back

Han Xiaochen opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say, this woman, you have to stand up by yourself, don't rely on men in your heart!
"Han Xiaochen, are you still coming tomorrow? This business is good, and it's really hot. This means that the weather is too bad to catch up with it.

Otherwise, this capable person really doesn't like to eat this thing! "Chu Zelong whistled and asked.

"Come on, why don't you come tomorrow? I'll come here all the time you two are free, but it's really a stall, and all the ghosts and snakes are out!"

Han Xiaochen just wanted to say something with this mouth, and came to buy this meat again

And the one who came was not someone else but his own half-brother.

But this younger brother Han Xiaochen didn't intend to recognize him at all.

Han Shitao naturally also saw Han Xiaochen opened his mouth to call him sister, but he remembered something, and he didn't intend to say any more.

He can also see now that no matter whether the Han Xiaochen in front of him is his own sister or not, he has no obligation to take care of him.

This is the end of the world, wives and children are separated, and brothers and sisters are still enemies, let alone his sister who has been despised since she was a child.

"Give me a catty of this meat." Han Shitao carefully took out the 10 first-level crystal nuclei
This crystal nucleus is not his, it is Han Zhennuo's parents entrusting him to buy meat, and this is also what people in the team said that someone here sells this reserve meat.

After all, even though the mercenary group Ye is powerful, not everyone can afford meat.

What they pay attention to here is distribution according to work. You can't do so much work, you don't have that much contribution, and the food and use are the worst.

Of course, if the ability is any worse, he will be kicked out of the team.

"Yeah..." Han Xiaochen quickly cut up a catty of meat for him, and even weighed it with a scale, just put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Han Shitao

"Han Xiaochen? I heard that your name is Han Xiaochen. You really look like an acquaintance of mine!

But it's no problem for me to be alive now, Han Zhennuo is a powerful woman, and she's attached to the leader of the night mercenary group.

That day, I saw that I was struggling to live for a while, and I was even asked to help there. Although life is not very good, at least I will not freeze to death or starve to death.

My dad is a little more pitiful now, he ate his last meal without a second, and the place he lives in is also very poor.

But that night the mercenary group said they didn't support idlers, so they wouldn't let my dad go there at all. Even I told them that they wouldn't let my dad eat my rations! "

Han Shitao doesn't know why he said this
Han Xiaochen smiled and didn't make any sound. He was abused at the beginning, and although his adoptive father didn't follow his biological mother to abuse him, he didn't help him once either!

To put it bluntly, isn't it always this kind of familiar stranger relationship?

In that case, does it have anything to do with him whether he is doing well now?

What's more, the whole family used all the money they sold when they sold themselves, right?

What emotional cards are we going to play now?But this idiot Han Xinnuo is too nosy!

Forget it, just pretend that you don't know anything, anyway, you won't know the slightest bit of favor from Han Yinuo for this matter
(End of this chapter)

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