Chapter 178 Betrayal
But when Li Kuiyong wanted to enter the villa where Zhao Ye lived, what obstacles blocked him?
"What the hell is this? The leader really doesn't regard the big guy as his own."

Li Kuiyong was about to die of anger, that guy Zhao Ye really didn't regard him as his confidant.

Guard yourself everywhere,

"Li Kuiyong, you forgot how the leader explained that no one is allowed to come here without a summons."

Siberia blocked Li Kuyong with a blank face.

"Siberie, what the hell are you, you're just a third-level ice-type user, how dare you block me!
I'm going to take that little girl back today, everyone, take a look!

This kid Siberia must have taken a fancy to that little girl Han Kunuo, and he might even have an affair with him.

Otherwise, what is he doing here, our leader Zhao Ye is not here anymore.

We are freezing to death here, and there is not much food to eat.

But that little girl is the most powerful space user, and there are many good things in this space.

But the little girl was unwilling to take the initiative to show it to everyone and give everyone a point.

Don't you want to eat fragrant and spicy?Don't want to put on that warmest dress?
Don't you want to drink her supernatural water that can make you feel comfortable and heal your body every day? "

Not to mention that Li Kuiyong's demagoguery is amazing

This corrosive rain this time is a good opportunity. How can I catch such a good opportunity when the rain clears?

Han Zhennuo curled his lips, he really understood.

She glanced at the needle-shaped camera she had placed here, and smiled.

But his figure flashed into the space of his emerald house.

Let's make a fuss, people outside like to make a fuss.

Ask Zhao Ye to take a good look at what his subordinates are after he comes back?
But I still don't do it myself, it's really not good to leave them some casualties.

"Han Handong, where is your mother and your father? Why are you being a coward?

Just look at your sister who is still hiding in this situation, even her own parents, mother, and brothers can't get enough to eat!
For Han Xiaochen, a white-eyed wolf with no conscience at all, if we don't resort to extreme measures, will she give up the food in this space? "

Li Kuiyong caught Han Dong with sharp eyes

"Li Kuiyong, damn it, everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart!

Could it be that you think our leader won't come back, so you dare to make trouble like this?
And you don't need to take care of our family's housework. "

Han Dong was almost pissed off, but with his own speed variation, he really couldn't beat this level 4 lightning-type power user
"Everyone, come on, come on, let's rush in and catch that little bitch.

Let me tell you, if you don’t come along, it’s not your part to share things. "

Li Kuiyong was still yelling, not to mention how many people really came over.

"Han Handong, you are useless, but I won't beat you when you deliver the goods, it's only your ability.

No one cares about you, within two days, you can kill yourself.

But your life is not good, you have a capable sister who doesn't want to take care of you, just let you live the most basic life.

But yours has no temperament at all, and neither do I. "

Not to mention the group members who have been bewitched by Li Kuiyong time and time again.

A few people really appeared, but apart from ordinary people, those who supported him were those mutants. Among the supernatural beings, there was a water system supernatural being who stood up.

"Mom, if you dare to stand up, I will never recognize you as my real mother in my life."

Not to mention other people, this woman Wang Zhihua wanted to stand up and attack her own daughter.

"You silly boy, I want to ask you for some benefits. Besides, if I pass by, can I still give you a tip-off, so that you can find a way so that people outside can rescue your sister?"

Wang Zhihua stared at his son bitterly.

Han Dongdu just wanted to cover his face, "Mom, this supernatural being has sharp eyes and ears, no matter how softly you speak, they will hear you.

But if you stand up this time... You can consider the consequences yourself, anyway, I won't care about you anymore.

But the end of the world is not a peaceful age, if you insist on dying, I am your own son and I can't control you! "

Han Handong gave his own mother a hard look.

But my father didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know where he was hiding, so he didn't come out.

"Wenwen, what are you going to do?" Li Wenwen was stopped by his grandmother just as he was about to go out.
"Grandma, I want to go out and have a look." Li Wenwen said inexplicably

"Don't go out, just pretend you're not here, I'll stop you no matter what your thoughts are.

If something happens, you won't be able to save Han Xinnuo.

And if you come up with other ideas, you should stop thinking about it, our leader is not easy to mess with.

These troublemakers are idiots. "

Grandma Li has a clear understanding of these things.

"Grandma, forget it, I'll listen to you!" Li Wenwen sat down again

Naturally, Han Yinuo, who was hiding in the space, would not know about all this.

Now she calms herself down and slowly arranges her own space.

Although she has hardly lived here, she still wants to decorate the place very well.

There are a lot of good things in her space, and she found the softest bedding to spread.

Then I found some fruits stolen from Han Xiaochen from the space.

With some snacks collected outside, I opened the TV series I downloaded before on my tablet, and watched them with relish.

Since the end of the world, I really haven't lived such a comfortable life for a long time.

Those people outside are making trouble, so let's make trouble.

She doesn't believe that so many people have betrayed her boyfriend Zhao Ye, and she just needs to be foolish enough not to be controlled by those people.

What's more, I am not easy to provoke, since I have the ability of the healing system.

I know better how to make these people hurt, how to make these people's bodies collapse faster
Han Junnuo even sprinkled some of the venom that Zhao Ye gave himself when he entered the space.

These venoms are very light, non-toxic and tasteless, but as long as someone comes in rashly, they will be poisoned.

And I also added some of my own special harmful substances extracted from the ordinary water to these venoms.

So there is nothing that can separate this poison apart from itself.

After all, the toxicity of compressing the poison is done by oneself.

Although I said that I have no great skills, I still have to know how to protect myself.

The most disgusting thing is that Han Xinnuo fell asleep beautifully in such a heartless manner.

That's right, what else can she do besides sleeping here?

But it was a mess outside, Li Kuiyong really wanted Han Xinnuo so crazy.

The performance of the high-end and powerful supernatural beings who can stay here is also very interesting
Most of them didn't even come out. This is probably the reason for what it means to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, right?
And Xiberi, who blocked Li Kui from using it before, withdrew meaningfully after two more stops.

When the leader left, there was an explanation that if someone made trouble, no one was allowed to stop them, and they were allowed to make trouble.

This night, the stall is getting bigger, and there will always be people with rebellious bones on the back of their heads.
Isn't this guy Li Kuiyong?Why do you think you can be the boss if you are just a level 4 lightning-type power user?
Ha ha!


(End of this chapter)

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