Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 181 Clearing the Portal

Chapter 181 Clearing the Portal
You must know that even for Chu Zelong, 8000 million is not a small amount!
Chu Zelong really asked another expert who is very close to his father to study this limited edition watch of Patek Philippe.

When I was completely sure that this watch was absolutely genuine and impossible to counterfeit, I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart.

But my heart did have a strong curiosity towards Han Xiaochen.

"Chen Chen? The illegitimate daughter is so interesting!
But it seems that this girl's mother has some tricks, she can even dig such a precious thing from a man! "

"Little girl, you are very skilled? This kid Chu Zelong has tricked you again!"

Han Xiaochen looked up at the person in front of him.

I don't know him, but he looks like a standard novel, the hero.

This slashed face, thin lips, this face is as expressionless as an eternal zombie.

"A good dog doesn't take a long way, you get out of the way, and what is a pit?

We are obviously a fair and reasonable transaction, and the watch is indeed worth that much money. "Han Xiaochen glanced lightly at Gao Jinfa
"Yo huh, the stubble is pretty tough, little girl!"

Gao Jinfa twitched the corner of his mouth coldly, and grabbed Han Xiaochen's wrist with almost lightning speed.

"Help, help, catch the bastards!! Hooligans!"

Han Xiaochen sneered and quickly pushed forward vigorously.

Gao Jinfa's wrist is broken
"You scum, don't try to blackmail me, there are cameras here, you grabbed my wrist first, I'm acting in self-defense.

How dare you provoke me to break your leg again? "

Gao Jinfa was so angry that his mouth trembled, "Woman, do you know who I am?"

"Ha! I don't want to know who you are, but if I do know who you are one day, then your death will come."

Han Xiaochen used the voice that came from that slight energy.

Gao Jinfa could hear the voice very clearly, but in fact, apart from him, even the recording device could not record the voice from Han Xiaochen.

what!Do you want to play this kind of domineering president?You can play if you want, but you have to have the ability to be a domineering president.

It's just a bluffing bastard, but he wants to think of himself as a dragon and overlord.

Gao Jinfa's face was swollen like a pig's liver, but he still had a bit of backbone. Under the severe pain of the fracture, he didn't even scream.

"Woman, it's interesting and a little bit capable!
But stay away from that kid Hua Zekai in the future and don't touch him. "Gao Jinfa endured the severe pain and gritted his back molars and sneered.

This woman is more than just a female man, this is completely a domineering flower or the kind that destroys men.

The woman in front of me is too cute!too!too!That's great, right?I am a judo hacker, why would I beat up a three or four year old child like a grown up burly man in front of others!

Forget it, how could such a violent woman like Hua Zekai, a weak idiot like a chicken?
call!call!In fact, Gao Jinfa also wanted to call out like this to relieve the pain, but losing is not losing!

"Of course I'm not interested in that guy Hua Zekai at all, but I'll take note of what you said, and even if we run into each other next time, I'll definitely let him go, I have to be 10 meters away.

It doesn't matter if it's not enough, I forgot to tell you, this lady is not only good with her hands, but also with her feet, she can definitely kick him 10 meters away! "

Han Xiaochen twitched the corners of his mouth evilly, exposing a cold and terrifying smile, and then drifted away.

Gao Jinfa...

It was only after Han Xiaochen left that he took out his cell phone tremblingly, but he pressed it for a long time but still could not find the number.

"Forget it, forget it, what to check, if this female devil finds out that she is checking, he has to give herself to..."

Obviously the temperature is not low now, but Gao Jinfa still feels shivering because of fear.

This is a great insult to a successful man, but he just can't control his body.

Gao Jin found out that he didn't dare to investigate Han Xiaochen anymore, instead he prayed that he would never meet Han Xiaochen again
Han Xiaochen walked for a while, but carefully found that no one was following him.

Only then did I feel relieved and purchased some very good things.

To put it bluntly, there are really too many things that can be done with money.

Han Xiaochen now has a feeling that he has money in his pocket, and you can get what you want by spending whatever you want.

No wonder some people say that money is not everything, but almost 99% of things can be settled with money!
But these two soil turtles are quite interesting. It seems that they are quite capable in this interface. Are you making good use of those two soil turtles?
Let's see, if these two turtles dare to go forward again, I can make good use of them


The corrosive rain lasted for three days and three nights. As long as the houses in this base were not well constructed, they would be paralyzed by the corrosive rain.

Otherwise, how could Han Xiaochen's house be highly protected and corrode all the glass?
But what is a little strange is that after the corrosive rain is not fragrant, it evaporates in an instant.

Some people even nicknamed this corrosive rain as sulfuric acid rain.

Han Xiaochen didn't know if the sulfuric acid would evaporate instantly when it was splashed on the ground. Anyway, the corrosive rain didn't flow to the ground, and it seemed to disappear strangely.

But who would have thought that when the corrosive rain fell, there would be two lunatics desperately collecting the corrosive rainwater with various devices.

It's also thanks to the fact that the two of them have space devices, otherwise, if they collect such terrible things, which space powers will install them for them.

What's more, that lunatic Zhao Ye not only collected the corrosive rain desperately, but even slipped away after going out, letting the non-staple food water himself.

No one knew about this, and if people knew about it, not only would they call him a lunatic, but they would also be shocked by his physique, which is different from ordinary people.

If the group of technological lunatics at the base find out about this, and don't try their best, they should arrest him and study it carefully!

Basically, people who are familiar with Zhao Ye don't know what he did during the rainy time?

But the most intuitive expression for people is that Zhao Ye's ability has been upgraded, and he has jumped to the third level.

Of course, it can be seen that there are not many people who have upgraded him. After all, most of the supernatural beings in this base are not as high as his supernatural level.

If you want to talk about why someone can be a leader, at least they are thoughtful and powerful, not to mention that they have always been ruthless in doing things.

"Zhao Ye, you can do it!" Mo Yan gave Zhao Ye a meaningful look.

"Haha, Mo Yan, don't just talk about me, I think you're not getting less benefits than me, right?
Come to my place to get together when you have time!But now I have to go back quickly, there are a bunch of bastards in my group waiting for me to clean up the door!
Just my useless woman, who was so frightened by them that she hid in the space and dared not come out!

He couldn't even protect his own woman well, so he was so scared that he hid in the space and dared not come out.

This is simply too detrimental to my dignity as a man, Zhao Ye! "

This guy Zhao Ye has always prioritized things, but if he wants to talk about these things in his regiment, he dares to say that he has no expectations, that is absolutely impossible.

As far as what happened in the past two days, he definitely did it on purpose. He deliberately let those rebellious people in the regiment let him go. When the time comes, he will come out so that he can clean up the house!

(End of this chapter)

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